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Add or edit a user at a system level

System and Organization Administrators can create users individually, in groups, or through Microsoft Active Directory (AD) or LDAP integrations.

Before you begin
  • A System Administrator or Organization Administrator role is required.

  • All users are required to have a default organization and a default role within that organization.

    SuperAdmin and ServerAdmin roles are designated differently.

  • When adding an individual user, or multiple users at one time, you can also grant Protect permissions for the users.

  1. Log in as a SuperAdmin or System Administrator.

  2. Select SuperAdmin in the user menu.

  3. Select Users in the header.

  4. Select a user name to edit an existing user or select Add user to add a new user.

  5. Enter the user's First nameLast name and Email address.

  6. Select Require email activations, if you want to  use email activation instead of requiring a password.

  7. Select a  System roles for the user.

    The default role is None.

  8. Select the Organization to which the user belongs.

  9. Select the default Organization role .

  10. Select a custom or default Application access group:

    Contrast provides these default groups:

    • View: Members of this group have read-only access to the Contrast interface to see scores, libraries, vulnerabilities, and comments.

    • Edit: Members of this group can remediate findings, add tags, manage vulnerabilities, edit attributes, merge applications, add or delete applications, and create servers.

    • Rules Admin: Members of this group can edit rules and policies in the application, enable Protect, and manage notifications and scoring.

    • Admin: Members of this group can configure and manage settings for an organization.

  11. Select a  Date format, Time format, and Time zone.

  12. To let Organization Administrators change user settings at an organizational level, select Use organization settings.

    This option is selected by default.

    To create user settings at a system level, clear the this option.:

    1. Clear User organization settings.

    2. To restrict users to using the API only and not the Contrast web interface, .Select Make user API only.

    3. To let the user see and use Assess data, turn on Access.

    4. To let the user see and use Protect data, turn on Protect.


    You can also grant Protect permissions at an organization level.

  13. Select Add or Save.