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Change serverless scan settings

The scan settings affect the type of scan that Contrast Serverless performs on all functions.

You can change these settings for a manual scan of selected functions.

Before you begin
  • Determine if you want to use static scans, dynamic scans, or both.

  1. Select Serverless in the header.

  2. Select the Settings tab.

  3. Under Scan, select the types of scans that you want to use:

    • Static analysis: This scan type looks at relevant static code and configuration assessments to discover new vulnerabilities.

      During a static scan, Contrast adds a Lambda function to your account. Once the scan completes, the function exits.

    • Dynamic analysis: For AWS accounts only. This scan type looks at dynamic assessments based on the specific update introduced to the tested environment.

      During a dynamic scan, Contrast tries to send malicious input to the code and then exercises the code to discover vulnerabilities.

      For more information about the Instrumented Dynamic analysis option see Scan types and monitoring.


    Serverless scans do not change your function code.

  4. Select Save.