Scan languages with the Semgrep engine
Contrast provides, as a courtesy to those customers with Terraform and Rust source code elements, an optional way to scan their source code using the Semgrep open source SAST scanner and have results presented in the Contrast web interface along with other supported languages.
Download the Semgrep engine from Semgrep.
Place the Semgrep engine file in the same location as the Scan local engine JAR file.
Run a scan with the Contrast Scan local engine.
When the Contrast Scan local engine detects the presence of Terraform (TF) files or Rust (RS) files, it passes the relevant files to the Semgrep engine. The Scan local engine uses the Semgrep rules for those languages (Terraform rules or Rust rules) and creates a SARIF file for the scanned languages.
When scanning of the complete repo completes:
The scan process combines the SARIF files that the Semgrep engine and the Contrast Scan local engine create.
The scan process uploads the SARIF file to the Contrast web interface.
View results as described in the Analyze scan results section.
Contrast support
Contrast provides support for Rust and Terraform on an as is basis. You are free to use the Semgrep engine to scan Rust and Terraform files (and any other language) without integration with the Contrast SAST platform. Contrast supports this functionality for convenience purposes only, where Rust or Terraform files are part of a larger repo.