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Organization statistics

Select Reports in the user menu to find vulnerability trends, as well as organization level information on:

  • Licenses: View the number of overall licenses for Assess and Protect, as well as the number of unlicensed applications and servers that exist in your organization.

  • Applications: The inner ring designates the breakdown by language. Choose the categories you want to compare in the outer ring by selecting Technology or Grade in the dropdown.

  • Servers: Select Container or Environment in the dropdown to choose how the numbers are analyzed.

Use the filters in the dropdowns to choose which data to compare at a glance.

Select View for more details including:

  • Licenses: Under Activity, view an activity trend chart of data on license consumption over the past year.

    Hover over a data point on the Assess or Protect trend lines to see how many licenses were used each month. The dotted line shows the number of licenses purchased.

    Click on the vertical bars in the chart to view your hourly usage of Protect licenses for each day. Peak hourly usage is represented by bright green shading at the top of the bars. Select Back to license activity to return to your view of license activity data.

    Select View Protect usage below the activity chart to see data for the current month and a usage statistics. Use the dropdown to view data for a different month.

    Under Consumption, you can see a thermometer chart and a timeline for Assess and Protect. The thermometer chart shows the total number of licenses purchased compared to the number being used. The timeline shows how many licenses are about to expire on given dates.

    The circular charts on the right show breakdowns by fraction and percentage for Assess and Protect. If your organization doesn't own any Protect or Assess licenses, the chart shows the count of unlicensed assets.

  • Applications: Under Status you can see the total number of applications broken down by the number that are licensed, unlicensed and archived, as well as how many licenses are available in your organization.

    The circular Language Breakdown chart shows the number of applications, broken down by language in the inner band, and by technology in the outer band. Hover for more details.

    Under High risk and Expirations you can see the number of applications with critical open vulnerabilities and expiring licenses.

    Under Protection coverage you see the number of applications on production servers that have incomplete coverage. Select View breakdown for more details.

    Applications that were added within the last week and applications that reside on an offline server are listed separately in the sidebar.

  • Servers: Under Environments, you can see all deployed servers by environment.

    Under Container breakdown you can see the number of deployed servers for each language in a given environment. Use the dropdown to view data for a different environment.

    Under Snapshots, you can see the number of servers with Assess and Protect enabled, as well as all servers online compared to the total number of servers in the given environment.

    The right sidebar includes a list of new, offline, deleted and expiring servers.