Manage system administration
Depending on the size of your organization and how you manage your Contrast installation, you can set up roles to best meet your system administration needs.
For a small organization, a single SuperAdmin can manage all system administration work. If you want to share the responsibilities, you can designate additional SuperAdmins or ServerAdmins.
A SuperAdmin is responsible for the system administration of Contrast. This may be assigned to one or more individuals. They have access to the SuperAdmin option in the user menu, which allows them to configure organizations, applications, servers, vulnerabilities, users and groups.
A ServerAdmin is identical to a SuperAdmin except without access to users or groups. They have access to the ServerAdmin option in the user menu, which allows them to configure organizations, applications, servers and vulnerabilities.
If you have a separate individual or group of individuals that manages end users and agent licenses, you can add a system access group to designate users as System Administrators or Observers.
A System Administrator is responsible for maintaining organizations and groups. They have access to the SuperAdmin option in the user menu, which allows them to configure organizations, applications, servers, vulnerabilities, users and groups. They can also impersonate administrators at an organization level.
A System Observer has read-only access to organizations, users, applications, groups and traces. They have read-only access to the Observer option in the user menu, which allows them to view organizations, applications, servers, vulnerabilities and users.
If a user is designated as No Access, they are blocked from system level access to the designated organization(s).