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Generic webhooks

Contrast supports a generic webhook integration to receive notifications on any URL that receives POST messages. You can add custom variables to your payload like $ApplicationName and $ServerId when a Contrast event triggers them.

A generic webhook stays connected as long as the receiving end returns any 2XX HTTP response code. If the generic webhook receives too many non-2XX response codes, it disconnects.


To connect a generic webhook:

  1. Retrieve the URL from which you want Contrast to receive notifications.

  2. In the user menu, select Organization settings > Integrations.

  3. In the Generic webhook integration option, select Connect.

  4. Name the webhook, and paste the URL in the designated field.

  5. Select the application(s) that you want to filter.

  6. In the Payload field, enter a variable. For example:

       "title": "$Title",
       "message": "$Message"
  7. Select Add.

To test the webhook:

  1. Go to Organization settings > Notifications.

  2. In the dropdown under Integrations, select the generic webhook name.

  3. For each Subscription (event type) you want to be notified of, click the toggle in the Integrations column.

  4. Cause an event type to occur, and confirm that you get a notification at the URL specified.


If this webhook fails to return a successful response after 5 attempts, it will be disconnected. To restore the configuration, you must retest the connection and resave it.

You can configure the integration so that all Organization Administrators are notified in the Contrast application and by email when Contrast disconnects a generic webhook.

To do this, go to the same location: Organization settings > Integrations > Generic webhook > Show configurations. Select the name of the connection you want to configure. Then select the Notify on disconnect checkbox to receive notifications and click Save.

Notify on disconnect. If this webhook fails to return a successful response after 5 attempts, it will be disconnected. All organization administrators will be notified in Contrast and by email.

Generic webhook variables

You can customize your generic webhook response with data from Contrast events such as NEW_VULNERABILITYand SERVER_OFFLINE. Each event contains variables you can call in your payload request. Variables are either for general use or for an application, server or vulnerability.



General variables


The event type responsible for triggering the webhook



A message summarizing the event that triggered the webhook


The unique ID Contrast assigns to an organization when it is created


The name of your organization


Always returns “Contrast Security”

Application variables


Returns true if the application is a child application, false if not


A secondary shorthand that appears in the title of an application, and is blank by default

For example: TEST


The context path of the application

For example: /example/somethingelse


When the application was first seen, in Unix time

For example: 1572033840000


Returns true if the application has a parent, false if not


Enumerated value of the application Importance level

For example: MEDIUM


The unique ID Contrast assigns to an application when it is created

For example: 49fe2978-1833-4441-83db-2b7o486d9413


The importance level assigned to the application For example: Medium


The programming language of the application


When the application was last seen, in Unix time For example: 1572033840000


Whether or not the application has an Assess license Values: Licensed, Unlicensed


Returns true if the application is a primary application, false if not


The name of the application


The unique ID Contrast assigns to an application when it’s created, in this case, the parent application, if it exists

For example: 49fe2978-1833-4441-83db-2b7o486d9413


A comma separated list of the Application tags.


The number of modules your application has

Server variables


The environment of the server For example: DEVELOPMENT or PRODUCTION


The ID of the server involved in the event

If more than one server is involved, this is a comma-delimited list of server IDs.


The name of the server involved in the event

If more than one server is involved, this is a comma-delimited list of server names

Vulnerability variables


If this event is triggered by a vulnerability, this is the severity of the vulnerability


If this event is triggered by a vulnerability, this is the status of the vulnerability


If this event is triggered by a vulnerability, this is the vulnerability ID


The application language or framework name of the where the vulnerability was discovered (for example,.Java, .NET, Ruby, and so forth.)


The application versions the vulnerability is found in

For example: v1.2.3


Auto-remediated expiration period for the vulnerability, in Unix time

For example: 1572033840000


A comma delimited list of tickets created when the vulnerability was sent to bugtracker

For example: ticket1, ticket2, ticket3


The category of vulnerability found For example: Injection


When the vulnerability was closed, in Unix time

For example: 1572033840000


Confidence of the vulnerability


Default severity of the vulnerability


When the vulnerability was first discovered, in Unix time

For example: 1572033840000


The evidence of the vulnerability


The unique ID Contrast assigns to a vulnerability instance when it is created

For example:  R33T-N00B-TGIF-RM6P


When the vulnerability was first seen, in Unix time For example: 1572033840000


The impact level of the vulnerability Values: Low, Medium, High


Last time the vulnerability was seen, in Unix time For example: 1572033840000


Last time the vulnerability was seen, in Unix time For example: 1572033840000


License level of the vulnerability


The likelihood of the vulnerability

Values: Low, Medium, High


When the vulnerability was sent to a bugtracker, in Unix time

For example: 1572033840000


Returns true If the vulnerability was sent to a bugtracker


Rule associated with the vulnerability


Name of the rule associated to the vulnerability


Title of the rule associated to the vulnerability


Substatus of the vulnerability


Custom tags associated with the vulnerability

For example: my-custom-tag


Title of the vulnerability


Key code of the vulnerability substatus


Total number of times the vulnerability was received


The unique ID used to look up a vulnerability


true if the vulnerability is licensed and visible, false if not


If event is triggered by a vulnerability, this is the rule that the vulnerability violated


If event is triggered by a vulnerability, this is a comma-delimited list of tags associated with the vulnerability

Events and generic webhook variables

You can customize your generic webhook response with data from Contrast events such as NEW_VULNERABILITY and SERVER_OFFLINE. Each event contains general, application, server or vulnerability variables you can call in your payload request.




General, Application, Server


General, Application, Server


General, Application, Server


General, Application

NEW_ASSET (if new application)

General, Application and Server (if new application)


General, Application, Server


General, Application, Server


General, Application, Server


General, Application, Server, Vulnerability


General, Application, Server, Vulnerability


General, Application


General, Server


General, Application, Server, Vulnerability


General, Application, Server, Vulnerability


General, Application, Server, Vulnerability