Find CWEs associated with CVEs
If you want to find a Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE ) that's associated with a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), use the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) .
While many CVEs have associated CWEs, some might not be classified under a specific CWE or may be associated with multiple CWEs
Navigate to the NVD website.
Search for the CVE.
From the NVD menu, select Search.
Select Vulnerabilities - CVE.
In Keyword search, enter the CVE identifier (for example, CVE-2020-12345).
Select Search.
In the search results, select the CVE link.
To view the CWE details, under Weakness Enumeration, select any of the CWE links in the displayed list.
Selecting a CWE link displays the CWE details in the CWE website.