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Application details

The Overview tab for an application shows details about the application configuration and activity.


The summary at the top of the tab shows this information:

  • Scores: The letter grade is based on the number and seriousness of the vulnerabilities found in the application. Use the application scoring guide for guidance.

  • Libraries: The number of open-source libraries that Contrast SCA identified and the number of vulnerable libraries.

  • Routes exercised: The first value is the number of routes exercised in the application. The second value is the number of observed routes.

    To view route coverage details, select the value for the exercised routes.

  • Servers: The number of servers associated with the selected application.

  • Routing frameworks: The supported frameworks that Contrast detected during route discovery.

    During an agent session, Contrast checks its compatibility with the frameworks it detects in your code.

Environment details

For each environment, you see these details, if servers are defined for the application:

  • Protect and Assess settings: The setting bars indicate the number of servers where Assess or Protect is turned on or off.

    To manage the settings, select a section of the bar. Doing so opens a filtered view of the servers where you can manage the Assess and Protect settings.

  • Servers: The number of servers associated with the application.

  • Vulnerabilities: The number of vulnerabilities. Use filters to change the view by severity, status, or type.

    Hover over a section of the vulnerabilities bar to view additional details.

  • Vulnerability trend: This view shows the trends for vulnerabilities that Contrast identifies and the remediation of these vulnerabilities, either by manual verification or auto-verification policies.

Additional details

The Applications page contains these additional tabs with application details: