Validate the Python agent configuration
The Python agent includes a script for validating and testing your agent configuration.
Steps to run the script
Install contrast-agent version 5.1.0 or later using
.Prepare your Contrast configuration using a YAML file, environment variables, or both.
Run the command
. This script validates your current configuration and tests your ability to communicate with Contrast.
A Response: 400 Bad Request message still indicates a successful connection to Contrast.
For example, this indicates that the application Server has not yet been created in Contrast:
[contrast-validate-config] Sending test request to Contrast UI [contrast-validate-config] Response: 400 Bad Request [contrast-validate-config] { "success" : false, "messages" : [ "Invalid agent request" ] } [contrast-validate-config] 400 status code indicates success for this endpoint [contrast-validate-config] Connection to the Contrast UI successful
And this indicates that the Server has already been created in Contrast:
[contrast-validate-config] Sending test request to Contrast UI [contrast-validate-config] Response: 304 Not Modified [contrast-validate-config] 304 status code indicates success for this endpoint [contrast-validate-config] Connection to the Contrast UI successful