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icon-developers.png Get results in the Contrast web interface

In most cases, no matter how you integrate your development workflow with Contrast, you can see results from code analysis in the Contrast web interface.

Before you begin

  • Log in to the Contrast web interface.


  1. To view findings for open source library analysis, select Libraries in the header.

    This view shows all libraries across all projects (static) and applications (runtime). You can also view libraries for a specific application in the Libraries tab of that application.

    1. In the Libraries list, to view details about specific vulnerabilities, select a name or a section in the vulnerability bar.

  2. To view findings for open source libraries after you use the CLI to analyze manifest files or from a repo connection, select Projects in the header.

    1. In the Projects list, to view details about specific vulnerabilities, select a name or a section in the vulnerability bar.

  3. To view application vulnerability information, select Applications in the header.

    1. In the Applications list, to view details about specific vulnerabilities, select a section in the vulnerability bar.

  4. To view static scan details, select Scans in the header.

    1. In the Scans list, select a scan project.

    2. To view details about vulnerabilities, select the Vulnerabilities tab .

  5. To view serverless function scan details, select Serverless in the header.

    1. To view details about vulnerabilities, select the Results tab.

    2. To view details about vulnerabilities for a specific function, select the function in the Results list