Create custom fields to request application metadata
You can configure requests for custom metadata that is collected whenever you add a new application to Contrast.
When you instrument a application, users are prompted to enter metadata for the fields you create, and add the information in their configuration files. The metadata is then displayed in the Applications page grid, where you can also use it to filter applications, and the application's Details page in Contrast.
The following agent versions support custom metadata fields:
Java and later
.NET 18.10.35 and later
Node 1.35.0
Python 1.2.0
Ruby 2.0.8
To create custom fields:
Under organization settings, select Applications.
Under Custom fields, for each field enter:
Field type: "Freeform", "Numeric" or "Point of contact". The type of field may determine the type of validation.
Name: Enter a label for this field.
Value condition: Use the checkbox to indicate whether the metadata value provided should be Required or Unique.
Select Add field to complete as many rows as you need.
As you provide information for each field, you will see the formatted property that you can copy and paste into your agent configuration files. You must do this for each key=value pair.
If you would like to fail applications that don't include all required fields, check the box to Restrict applications missing required fields. This may apply to new or new and existing applications in the organization.
If you choose not to restrict applications, any application missing a required field will be successfully added but flagged in Contrast. Contrast will also send an email alert to the designated point of contact, if provided.