

[en] Installation varies depending on the agent, on which Contrast product(s) you are using and on where you want to install Contrast. For example, this could be:

  • [en] On an application server or web server

  • [en] In a build pipeline or container

  • [en] In a Develop, QA or Production environment

[en] Installation

[en] Depending on your situation, you may install the agent directly or with the help of a plugin, integration, or other tools and technologies that work with Contrast.

[en] Consider your goals for Contrast and consult specific installation instructions for the agent you want to use:


[en] You can also select Add agent in the top right corner of the Contrast web interface to get started installing an agent.

[en] Configuration


  • [en] api.api_key: Your organization's API key

  • [en] api.user_name: Contrast user account (in most cases your login ID)

  • [en] api.service_key: Contrast user account service key

  • [en] api.url: Address of the Contrast installation you would like your agent to report to. Defaults to: https://app.contrastsecurity.com

[en] You can further configure by using environment variables, a YAML configuration file, command line or other methods native to the language and tools you are using. Configuration follows this order of precedence.

[en] Consider your goals for Contrast and consult specific configuration instructions for the agent you want to use: