Visual Basic 6 Scan rules
Contrast supports these rules for Visual Basic 6.
Severity | Contrast rule | Engine rule ID | Description |
Critical | B I T N | OPT.VB6.VBCC.BITN | BITN: Nested if...then sentences are not allowed |
Critical | R A D L | OPT.VB6.VBDS.RADL | RADL: Avoid absolute paths in Lib definition |
Critical | O E R N | OPT.VB6.VBEH.OERN | OERN: Use of 'On Error Resume Next' |
Critical | K C R A | OPT.VB6.VBFA.KCRA | KCRA: 'Kill' command must not contain absolute paths |
Critical | O C R A | OPT.VB6.VBFA.OCRA | OCRA: 'Open' command must not contain absolute pahts |
Critical | S C R A | OPT.VB6.VBFA.SCRA | SCRA: 'Shell' command must not contain absolute pahts |
Critical | N C P F | OPT.VB6.VBFD.NCPF | NCPF: Maximum number of controls per form |
Critical | F A O E | OPT.VB6.VBSF.FAOE | FAOE: In every source code file must appear 'Option Explicit' declaration |
Critical | F R D P | OPT.VB6.VBSF.FRDP | FRDP: Source files must be in the same directory than project (.vpb file) |
Critical | E U F P | OPT.VB6.VBUK.EUFP | EUFP: Avoid using pointer functions |
Critical | V N U C | OPT.VB6.VBVD.VNUC | VNUC: Public variables must not be used in class modules |
High | A N E M | OPT.VB6.VBCC.ANEM | ANEM: Check number of arguments in the methods |
High | C P C L | OPT.VB6.VBCC.CPCL | CPCL: Cyclomatic complexity for VB6 procedures should be low |
High | D E V L | OPT.VB6.VBCC.DEVL | DEVL: Avoid excessive local variables |
High | E U V G | OPT.VB6.VBCC.EUVG | EUVG: Avoid using global variables (except with 'WithEvents' |
High | S S D O | OPT.VB6.VBCC.SSDO | SSDO: Do not use nested case statements |
High | A C G E | OPT.VB6.VBCD.ACGE | ACGE: Global constants should be Private. |
High | E C M N | OPT.VB6.VBCD.ECMN | ECMN: Avoid constants with the same name |
High | N C C F | OPT.VB6.VBCD.NCCF | NCCF: Constants must follow a naming standard |
High | D C A V | OPT.VB6.VBCL.DCAV | DCAV: Constants declaration should be placed before variables declaration |
High | D V C P | OPT.VB6.VBCL.DVCP | DVCP: Variables declaration should be in the headers of the procedures |
High | E D L C | OPT.VB6.VBCL.EDLC | EDLC: Avoid Functions and Procedures with more than 200 code lines |
High | F P V D | OPT.VB6.VBCL.FPVD | FPVD: Empty function or Procedure detected |
High | N E C F | OPT.VB6.VBCL.NECF | NECF: Line label names must be properly formed |
High | P E M L | OPT.VB6.VBCL.PEML | PEML: PROPERTY procedures must not exceed certain number of code lines |
High | U L I T | OPT.VB6.VBCL.ULIT | ULIT: Do not use inline If...Then statements |
High | C G N U | OPT.VB6.VBDC.CGNU | CGNU: Avoid unused Global Constants |
High | V G N U | OPT.VB6.VBDC.VGNU | VGNU: Avoid unused Global variables |
High | V L S U | OPT.VB6.VBDC.VLSU | VLSU: Avoid unused Local variables |
High | S D A P | OPT.VB6.VBDS.SDAP | SDAP: Declare sentences must have 'Private' scope |
High | D E D E | OPT.VB6.VBED.DEDE | DEDE: 'Enum' declaration scope must be 'Public' or 'Private' |
High | U E C T | OPT.VB6.VBEH.UECT | UECT: Use 'On Error Resume Next' with 'Class_Terminate' event |
High | U O E H | OPT.VB6.VBEH.UOEH | UOEH: Use error-handling routines |
High | Number used to describe files (Close) | OPT.VB6.VBFA.CUNF | CUNF: With 'Close' command, numbers must not be used to describe files |
High | Number used to describe files (EOF) | OPT.VB6.VBFA.EUNF | EUNF: With 'EOF' command, number must not be used to describe files |
High | Number used to describe files (LOF) | OPT.VB6.VBFA.LUNF | LUNF: With 'LOF' command, number must not be used to describe files |
High | Number used to describe files (File Access) | OPT.VB6.VBFA.NCAF | NCAF: With file access commands, number must not be used to describe files |
High | Close command used, without file number | OPT.VB6.VBFA.NCSF | NCSF: Do not use 'Close' command without file number |
High | Number used to describe files (Open) | OPT.VB6.VBFA.OUNF | OUNF: With 'Open' command, number must not be used to describe files |
High | B B I T | OPT.VB6.VBFD.BBIT | BBIT: 'Browser' buttons (...) or buttons with only an image should have activated 'ToolTipText' property |
High | F C C B | OPT.VB6.VBFD.FCCB | FCCB: Forms must have 'ControlBox' |
High | F I E U | OPT.VB6.VBFD.FIEU | FIEU: Forms must implement 'Unload' event |
High | F T F P | OPT.VB6.VBFD.FTFP | FTFP: Forms must have the same font type |
High | T B M L | OPT.VB6.VBFD.TBML | TBML: MaxLenght property must be specificated |
High | I E O M | OPT.VB6.VBOU.IEOM | IEOM: Avoid using 'InStr()' command embedded in 'Mid()' command |
High | U O C C | OPT.VB6.VBP.UOCC | UOCC: Avoid using '+' operator to concatenate strings |
High | A D P E | OPT.VB6.VBPD.ADPE | ADPE: Procedure declaration scope must be always specified |
High | A D T A | OPT.VB6.VBPD.ADTA | ADTA: Formal parameter types must be specified |
High | A E V R | OPT.VB6.VBPD.AEVR | AEVR: Formal parameters must be specified as 'ByVal' or 'ByRef' |
High | M U P S | OPT.VB6.VBPD.MUPS | MUPS: Methods must have an only exit point |
High | N A C F | OPT.VB6.VBPD.NACF | NACF: Formal parameter names must be properly formed |
High | O A D V | OPT.VB6.VBPD.OADV | OADV: Optional formal parameters must have a default value |
High | N M C P | OPT.VB6.VBSF.NMCP | NMCP: Module names (.bas files) must have a preffix |
High | P C N M | OPT.VB6.VBSF.PCNM | PCNM: Class modules names (.cls file) must have a preffix |
High | P F M D | OPT.VB6.VBSF.PFMD | PFMD: MDI Forms must have a preffix |
High | P F N M | OPT.VB6.VBSF.PFNM | PFNM: No MDI forms must have a preffix |
High | P N D F | OPT.VB6.VBSF.PNDF | PNDF: Designer file names (.dsr files) must have a preffix |
High | P N P P | OPT.VB6.VBSF.PNPP | PNPP: Property Page file names (.pag files) must have a preffix |
High | P N U C | OPT.VB6.VBSF.PNUC | PNUC: User Control file names (.ctl files) must have a preffix |
High | P N U D | OPT.VB6.VBSF.PNUD | PNUD: User Document file names (.dob files) must have a preffix |
High | E T C N | OPT.VB6.VBTU.ETCN | ETCN: The names of the Type's elements must be properly formed |
High | N T C D | OPT.VB6.VBTU.NTCD | NTCD: Type names must follow a naming standard |
High | E S O B | OPT.VB6.VBUK.ESOB | ESOB: Do not use 'Option Base' sentence |
High | E U F I | OPT.VB6.VBUK.EUFI | EUFI: Avoid using 'IsMissing()' function |
High | E V M N | OPT.VB6.VBVD.EVMN | EVMN: Avoid variables with the same name |
High | N V C F | OPT.VB6.VBVD.NVCF | NVCF: Public vars must follow a naming standard |
High | N V L F | OPT.VB6.VBVD.NVLF | NVLF: Name of a local variable must follow a naming standard |
High | N V S F | OPT.VB6.VBVD.NVSF | NVSF: Static (shared) vars must follow a naming standard |
High | N V W F | OPT.VB6.VBVD.NVWF | NVWF: Names of 'WithEvents' variables must be properly formed |
High | V O L D | OPT.VB6.VBVD.VOLD | VOLD: Local Object variables must be destroyed |
Info | O E G0 | OPT.VB6.VBEH.OEG0 | OEG0: Use of 'On Error GoTo 0' |
Info | U P A A | OPT.VB6.VBPD.UPAA | UPAA: Avoid using 'ParamArray' in formal parameters |
Low | M C P L | OPT.VB6.VBCL.MCPL | MCPL: Maximum number of characters per line |
Low | A O L E | OPT.VB6.VBEH.AOLE | AOLE: Avoid using 'On Local Error' |
Low | C T F P | OPT.VB6.VBFD.CTFP | CTFP: Controls must have the same font type |
Low | N C C P | OPT.VB6.VBFD.NCCP | NCCP: Form control names must be properly formed |
Low | A IV N | OPT.VB6.VBPP.AIVN | AIVN: Auto-increment version number must be disabled |
Low | V I C N | OPT.VB6.VBPP.VICN | VICN: 'VersionCompanyName' must be defined |
Low | V I F D | OPT.VB6.VBPP.VIFD | VIFD: 'VersionFileDescription' must be defined |
Low | V I L C | OPT.VB6.VBPP.VILC | VILC: 'VersionLegalCopyright' must be defined |
Low | V IP N | OPT.VB6.VBPP.VIPN | VIPN: 'VersionProductName' must be defined |
Low | U D M L | OPT.VB6.VBVD.UDML | UDML: Avoid using 'Dim' in global variable declarations |
Medium | T C D A | OPT.VB6.VBCD.TCDA | TCDA: Constants must have a defined type |
Medium | A G L S | OPT.VB6.VBCL.AGLS | AGLS: Place property Let/Get/Set accessors together |
Medium | E S D F | OPT.VB6.VBCL.ESDF | ESDF: Avoid modules that contain only declarations |
Medium | C S U | OPT.VB6.VBDC.CSU | CSU: Local constants not used |
Medium | P S U | OPT.VB6.VBDC.PSU | PSU: Parameters not used |
Medium | E E N P | OPT.VB6.VBED.EENP | EENP: Elements names of a statement Enum must follow a naming standard |
Medium | V N E E | OPT.VB6.VBED.VNEE | VNEE: Assign numeric values to 'Enum' elements |
Medium | T B N E | OPT.VB6.VBFD.TBNE | TBNE: CommandButton size must be standar |
Medium | A N S C | OPT.VB6.VBP.ANSC | ANSC: Avoid String comparisons with empty strings or null string |
Medium | A V D V | OPT.VB6.VBP.AVDV | AVDV: Avoid Variant variables |
Medium | E T R E | OPT.VB6.VBP.ETRE | ETRE: Specify return type in functions |
Medium | U I S C | OPT.VB6.VBP.UISC | UISC: Use String Constants instead of 'Chr$()' and 'Chr()' functions |
Medium | U S C F | OPT.VB6.VBP.USCF | USCF: Use Chr$() instead of Chr() for Variant variables |
Medium | U S D F | OPT.VB6.VBP.USDF | USDF: Use 'CurDir$()' and 'Dir$()' functions instead of 'CurDir()' and 'Dir()' |
Medium | U S E F | OPT.VB6.VBP.USEF | USEF: Use 'Left$()', 'Right$()' and 'Mid$()' functions instead of 'Left()', 'Right()' and 'Mid()' |
Medium | U S H F | OPT.VB6.VBP.USHF | USHF: Use 'Hex$()' function instead of 'Hex()' |
Medium | U S S F | OPT.VB6.VBP.USSF | USSF: Use 'Space$()' function instead of 'Space()' |
Medium | U S T F | OPT.VB6.VBP.USTF | USTF: Use 'LTrim$()', 'RTrim$()' and 'Trim$()' functions instead of 'LTrim()', 'RTrim()' and 'Trim()' |
Medium | M IV D | OPT.VB6.VBVD.MIVD | MIVD: Avoid multiple variable declaration in the same declaration statement |