Python Scan rules
Contrast Scan supports these rules for Python.
Severity | Contrast rule | Engine rule ID | Description |
Critical | Too Much Origins Allowed Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.TooMuchOriginsAllowedRule | TooMuchOriginsAllowedRule: CORS policy (Cross-origin resource sharing) too broad |
Critical | Missing Browser Xss Filter | OPT.PYTHON.DJANGO.MissingBrowserXssFilter | MissingBrowserXssFilter: Secure browser XSS filter |
Critical | Code Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.CodeInjection | CodeInjection: Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input in dynamic code evaluation |
Critical | Command Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.CommandInjection | CommandInjection: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection') |
Critical | Connection String Parameter Pollution | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.ConnectionStringParameterPollution | ConnectionStringParameterPollution: Connection string polluted with untrusted input |
Critical | Cross Site Scripting | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.CrossSiteScripting | CrossSiteScripting: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') |
Critical | DoS Regexp | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.DoSRegexp | DoSRegexp: Potential denial-of-service attack through malicious regular expression (ReDoS) |
Critical | JSON Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.JSONInjection | JSONInjection: Avoid using non-neutralized user-controlled input into JSON entities - JSON Injection |
Critical | Ldap Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.LdapInjection | LdapInjection: Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input in LDAP search filters |
Critical | Mail Command Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.MailCommandInjection | MailCommandInjection: Mail Command Injection |
Critical | Memcached Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.MemcachedInjection | MemcachedInjection: Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input to be stored into a cache |
Critical | No SQL Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.NoSQLInjection | NoSQLInjection: Improper neutralization of special elements in data query logic (NoSQL injection) |
Critical | SQL Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.SqlInjection | SqlInjection: Avoid SQL code formed with non neutralized user input (vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks) |
Critical | Stored Cross Site Scripting | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.StoredCrossSiteScripting | StoredCrossSiteScripting: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') |
Critical | Xpath Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.XpathInjection | XpathInjection: Avoid XPath expressions formed with non neutralized user input |
Critical | Xml Entity Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.XmlEntityInjection | XmlEntityInjection: XML entity injection |
Critical | Path Traversal | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.PathTraversal | PathTraversal: Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input to be part of a pathname (file or directory) used in I/O operations |
Critical | Password In Redirect Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.PasswordInRedirectRule | PasswordInRedirectRule: Password Management - Password in Redirect |
Critical | Hardcoded Crypto Key | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.HardcodedCryptoKey | HardcodedCryptoKey: Hardcoded cryptographic keys |
Critical | Non Random IV With CBC Mode | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.NonRandomIVWithCBCMode | NonRandomIVWithCBCMode: Not using a Random IV with CBC Mode |
Critical | Weak Cryptographic Hash In Settings | OPT.PYTHON.DJANGO.WeakCryptographicHashInSettings | WeakCryptographicHashInSettings: Weak cryptographic hashes cannot guarantee data integrity |
High | Insufficient Session Expiration Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.InsufficientSessionExpirationRule | InsufficientSessionExpirationRule: Checks that session expiration interval is positive and does not exceed a limit |
High | Cookie Based Sessions | OPT.PYTHON.DJANGO.CookieBasedSessions | CookieBasedSessions: Cookie-based session with a unsafe configuration |
High | Insufficient Django Settings Session Expiration | OPT.PYTHON.DJANGO.InsufficientDjangoSettingsSessionExpiration | InsufficientDjangoSettingsSessionExpiration: Checks that session expiration interval is positive and does not exceed a limit |
High | Cookie Poisoning | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.CookiePoisoning | CookiePoisoning: Cookie Poisoning |
High | Cross Site Request Forgery | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.CrossSiteRequestForgery | CrossSiteRequestForgery: Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) |
High | Dont Use Exec | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.DontUseExec | DontUseExec: Avoid using exec() function |
High | Header Manipulation | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.HeaderManipulation | HeaderManipulation: Avoid including unvalidated data in HTTP response header or in Cookies |
High | Http Parameter Pollution Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.HttpParameterPollutionRule | HttpParameterPollutionRule: HTTP parameter pollution (HPP) |
High | Log Forging | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.LogForging | LogForging: Unvalidated untrusted input in log |
High | Open Redirect | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.OpenRedirect | OpenRedirect: Do not allow to control the URL used in a redirect by an unvalidated input |
High | Resource Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.ResourceInjection | ResourceInjection: Improper control of resource identifiers ("Resource Injection") |
High | Server Side Request Forgery | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.ServerSideRequestForgery | ServerSideRequestForgery: Creation of requests from a vulnerable server using untrusted input (server side request forgery, SSRF) |
High | Trust Boundary | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.TrustBoundary | TrustBoundary: Trust boundary violation |
High | Unsafe Reflection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.UnsafeReflection | UnsafeReflection: Use of Externally-Controlled Input to Select Classes or Code ('Unsafe Reflection') |
High | Xml Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.XmlInjection | XmlInjection: Avoid using non-neutralized user-controlled input when creating XML documents |
High | Mass Assigment Attack | OPT.PYTHON.DJANGO.MassAssigmentAttack | MassAssigmentAttack: Insufficient form fields validation |
High | Avoid Calling Magic Methods | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.AvoidCallingMagicMethods | AvoidCallingMagicMethods: Avoid calling magic methods |
High | Avoid Too Complex Functions | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.AvoidTooComplexFunctions | AvoidTooComplexFunctions: Avoid too complex functions |
High | Avoid Assignments To True Or False | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidAssignmentsToTrueOrFalse | AvoidAssignmentsToTrueOrFalse: Avoid assignments to True or False |
High | Avoid Chained Comparisons Containing Equality | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidChainedComparisonsContainingEquality | AvoidChainedComparisonsContainingEquality: Avoid chained comparisons containing equality operator |
High | Avoid Default Mutable Arguments | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidDefaultMutableArguments | AvoidDefaultMutableArguments: Avoid using default mutable parameters |
High | Init Cannot Be A Generator | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.InitCannotBeAGenerator | InitCannotBeAGenerator: __init__ method cannot be a generator |
High | Invalid Open Mode | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.InvalidOpenMode | InvalidOpenMode: Invalid open() mode |
High | Open Files Using With | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.OpenFilesUsingWith | OpenFilesUsingWith: Open files using the with statement |
High | Same Method And Field Names | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.SameMethodAndFieldNames | SameMethodAndFieldNames: Methods and class fields should not to be different only by capitalization |
High | Using Deprecated Module | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.UsingDeprecatedModule | UsingDeprecatedModule: Avoid using deprecated modules |
High | Cookies In Security Decision | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.CookiesInSecurityDecision | CookiesInSecurityDecision: Reliance on Cookies without Validation and Integrity Checking in a Security Decision |
High | Unhandled SSL Error Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.UnhandledSSLErrorRule | UnhandledSSLErrorRule: Unhandled SSL exception |
High | User Controlled SQL Primary Key | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.UserControlledSQLPrimaryKey | UserControlledSQLPrimaryKey: Avoid using an user controlled Primary Key into a query |
High | Insecure Direct Object References | OPT.PYTHON.DJANGO.InsecureDirectObjectReferences | InsecureDirectObjectReferences: Check for user authentication and/ or authorization before let him modifying a sensible system resource |
High | Missing Function Level Access Control | OPT.PYTHON.DJANGO.MissingFunctionLevelAccessControl | MissingFunctionLevelAccessControl: Perform an authorization check when performing an action which requires authorization |
High | Hardcoded Credential | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.HardcodedCredential | HardcodedCredential: Empty or hardcoded passwords may compromise system security in a way that cannot be easily remedied |
High | Hardcoded Ip | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.HardcodedIp | HardcodedIp: Do not write IP address in source code |
High | Hardcoded Salt | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.HardcodedSalt | HardcodedSalt: Use of hardcoded salt |
High | Insecure Transport | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.InsecureTransport | InsecureTransport: Insecure transport |
High | Insufficient Key Size Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.InsufficientKeySizeRule | InsufficientKeySizeRule: Weak cryptography, insufficient key length |
High | Server Insecure Transport | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.ServerInsecureTransport | ServerInsecureTransport: Insecure transport in HTTP servers |
High | Weak Cryptographic Hash | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.WeakCryptographicHash | WeakCryptographicHash: Weak cryptographic hash |
High | Weak Encryption Algorithm | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.WeakEncryptionAlgorithm | WeakEncryptionAlgorithm: Weak symmetric encryption algorithm |
Info | Empty Docstring | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.EmptyDocstring | EmptyDocstring: Empty docstring |
Info | Import Top Of File | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.ImportTopOfFile | ImportTopOfFile: Module level import not at top of file |
Info | Line Too Long | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.LineTooLong | LineTooLong: Line too long |
Info | Missing Docstring | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.MissingDocstring | MissingDocstring: Missing docstring |
Info | Multiple Imports One Line | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.MultipleImportsOneLine | MultipleImportsOneLine: Multiple imports in one line |
Info | Too Many Local Variables | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.TooManyLocalVariables | TooManyLocalVariables: Too many local variables |
Info | Unnecessary Semicolon | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.UnnecessarySemicolon | UnnecessarySemicolon: Unnecessary semicolon |
Low | Empty Sequences Are False | OPT.PYTHON.EFFICIENCY.EmptySequencesAreFalse | EmptySequencesAreFalse: Empty sequences are False |
Low | Init Dictionaries With Literals | OPT.PYTHON.EFFICIENCY.InitDictionariesWithLiterals | InitDictionariesWithLiterals: Use literals to initialize dictionaries |
Low | Potential Class Or Static Method | OPT.PYTHON.EFFICIENCY.PotentialClassOrStaticMethod | PotentialClassOrStaticMethod: Class methods not accessing instance fields must be static |
Low | Avoid Assingning A Lambda | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.AvoidAssingningALambda | AvoidAssingningALambda: Avoid assigning the lambda expression |
Low | Avoid Commented Out Code | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.AvoidCommentedOutCode | AvoidCommentedOutCode: Avoid commented out code blocks |
Low | Avoid Name Repetition In Comparisons | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.AvoidNameRepetitionInComparisons | AvoidNameRepetitionInComparisons: Avoid unnecessary name repetition in equality comparisions |
Low | Avoid Nested Empty Blocks | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.AvoidNestedEmptyBlocks | AvoidNestedEmptyBlocks: Avoid unnecessary nested empty blocks |
Low | Bad Identity Check | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.BadIdentityCheck | BadIdentityCheck: Avoid using the [] {} |
Low | Bad Type Comparison | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.BadTypeComparison | BadTypeComparison: Use isinstance to perform a type comparison |
Low | Blank Line At End Of File | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.BlankLineAtEndOfFile | BlankLineAtEndOfFile: It should be one single blank line at the end of the file |
Low | Blank Line Contains Whitespace | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.BlankLineContainsWhitespace | BlankLineContainsWhitespace: Blank lines should not content whitespaces |
Low | Blank Lines Surrounding Function Or Class | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.BlankLinesSurroundingFunctionOrClass | BlankLinesSurroundingFunctionOrClass: Top level functions and class definitions should be surrounded with two lines |
Low | Blank Line Surrounding Methods | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.BlankLineSurroundingMethods | BlankLineSurroundingMethods: Class methods should be surrounded with a single blank line |
Low | Loops Else Clause Always Executed | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.LoopsElseClauseAlwaysExecuted | LoopsElseClauseAlwaysExecuted: Loops else clause is always executed |
Low | Merge Simple Conditional Branches | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.MergeSimpleConditionalBranches | MergeSimpleConditionalBranches: Simple conditional statements should be merged |
Low | Remove Statements After Jump | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.RemoveStatementsAfterJump | RemoveStatementsAfterJump: Statements after a jump are dead code |
Low | Simplify Repetitive Unequal Checks | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.SimplifyRepetitiveUnequalChecks | SimplifyRepetitiveUnequalChecks: Simplify repetetive unequal checks |
Low | Trailing Whitespace | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.TrailingWhitespace | TrailingWhitespace: Avoid trailing whitespace |
Low | Use Chained Comparisons | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.UseChainedComparisons | UseChainedComparisons: Consider using chained comparisons |
Low | Use Negative Index For Last Element | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.UseNegativeIndexForLastElement | UseNegativeIndexForLastElement: Consider using negative indexes to access the last positions of collections |
Low | Use Proper Inequality Operator | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.UseProperInequalityOperator | UseProperInequalityOperator: Avoid using the <> inequality operator |
Low | Avoid Pre Increment And Pre Decrement Operators | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidPreIncrementAndPreDecrementOperators | AvoidPreIncrementAndPreDecrementOperators: Avoid using the pre-increment and pre-decrement operators |
Low | Avoid Using Return Outside Function | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidUsingReturnOutsideFunction | AvoidUsingReturnOutsideFunction: Avoid using the return statement outside a function |
Low | Avoid Using Yield Outside Function | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidUsingYieldOutsideFunction | AvoidUsingYieldOutsideFunction: Avoid using the yield statement outside a function |
Low | Handle F I X M E Tags | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.HandleFIXMETags | HandleFIXMETags: Handle FIXME tags |
Low | No Exception Type Specified | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.NoExceptionTypeSpecified | NoExceptionTypeSpecified: No exception type specified |
Low | Information Exposure Through Debug Log | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.InformationExposureThroughDebugLog | InformationExposureThroughDebugLog: Avoid exposing sensitive information through log |
Low | Password In Comments | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.PasswordInComments | PasswordInComments: Storing passwords or password details in plaintext anywhere in the system or system code can compromise system security |
Medium | Plaintext Storage In A Cookie Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.PlaintextStorageInACookieRule | PlaintextStorageInACookieRule: Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information in a Cookie |
Medium | Unsafe Cookie | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.UnsafeCookie | UnsafeCookie: Generate server-side cookies with adequate security properties |
Medium | Avoid Host Name Checks Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.AvoidHostNameChecksRule | AvoidHostNameChecksRule: Avoid checks on client-side hostname, that are not reliable due to DNS poisoning |
Medium | Format String Injection Rule | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.FormatStringInjectionRule | FormatStringInjectionRule: Exclude unsanitized user input from format strings |
Medium | Serialization Injection | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.SerializationInjection | SerializationInjection: Deserialization of untrusted data |
Medium | Avoid Unnecessary Materialization | OPT.PYTHON.EFFICIENCY.AvoidUnnecessaryMaterialization | AvoidUnnecessaryMaterialization: Use an iterator instead of materializing the list |
Medium | Improve List Extension | OPT.PYTHON.EFFICIENCY.ImproveListExtension | ImproveListExtension: Do not use concatenation to extend lists |
Medium | Not Using Items To Iterate Dictionary | OPT.PYTHON.EFFICIENCY.NotUsingItemsToIterateDictionary | NotUsingItemsToIterateDictionary: Not using items() to iterate over a dictionary |
Medium | Not Using Zip To Iterate Pair Of Lists | OPT.PYTHON.EFFICIENCY.NotUsingZipToIteratePairOfLists | NotUsingZipToIteratePairOfLists: Not using zip() to iterate over a pair of lists |
Medium | Avoid Too Deeply Nested Statements | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.AvoidTooDeeplyNestedStatements | AvoidTooDeeplyNestedStatements: Avoid too deeply nested statements |
Medium | Cls As First Argument | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.ClsAsFirstArgument | ClsAsFirstArgument: The first argument in class methods should be "cls" |
Medium | Dead Code | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.DeadCode | DeadCode: Avoid dead code |
Medium | Maximum Module Lines | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.MaximumModuleLines | MaximumModuleLines: Maximum module lines permitted |
Medium | More Than A Statement Single Line | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.MoreThanAStatementSingleLine | MoreThanAStatementSingleLine: Avoid more than one statement per line |
Medium | Naming Conventions | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.NamingConventions | NamingConventions: Follow PEP 8 naming conventions for Python elements |
Medium | Self As First Argument | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.SelfAsFirstArgument | SelfAsFirstArgument: The first argument in instance methods should be "self" |
Medium | Too Many Arguments | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.TooManyArguments | TooManyArguments: Too much arguments in function, method or lambda |
Medium | Too Many Statements | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.TooManyStatements | TooManyStatements: Too high number of statements in a method |
Medium | Unnecessary Pass Stmt | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.UnnecessaryPassStmt | UnnecessaryPassStmt: Avoid using PASS statement when is not necessary |
Medium | Wildcard Import | OPT.PYTHON.MAINTAINABILITY.WildcardImport | WildcardImport: Avoid using * in import statements |
Medium | Access Dictionary Element | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.AccessDictionaryElement | AccessDictionaryElement: Do not use 'has_key' to access dictionary elements |
Medium | Avoid Deprecated Raising Exception Form | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.AvoidDeprecatedRaisingExceptionForm | AvoidDeprecatedRaisingExceptionForm: Avoid using the deprecated raising exception form.] |
Medium | Avoid Print Statement | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.AvoidPrintStatement | AvoidPrintStatement: Avoid using PRINT statement |
Medium | Dont Use Backticks | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.DontUseBackticks | DontUseBackticks: Avoid using backticks |
Medium | Hardcoded Absolute Path | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.HardcodedAbsolutePath | HardcodedAbsolutePath: Do not hardcode absolute paths |
Medium | Property On An Old Style Class | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.PropertyOnAnOldStyleClass | PropertyOnAnOldStyleClass: Avoid using the @property decorator on old-style classes.] |
Medium | Use New Class Style | OPT.PYTHON.PORTABILITY.UseNewClassStyle | UseNewClassStyle: Use the new class definition style |
Medium | Avoid Assigning Functions Not Returning A Value | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidAssigningFunctionsNotReturningAValue | AvoidAssigningFunctionsNotReturningAValue: AvoidAssigningFunctionsNotReturningAValue |
Medium | Avoid Break And Continue Outside Loop | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidBreakAndContinueOutsideLoop | AvoidBreakAndContinueOutsideLoop: Avoid using the BREAK and CONTINUE statements outside a LOOP |
Medium | Avoid Capturing Generic Exception | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidCapturingGenericException | AvoidCapturingGenericException: Avoid capturing generic exceptions |
Medium | Avoid Characters And Numerals Confusion | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidCharactersAndNumeralsConfusion | AvoidCharactersAndNumeralsConfusion: Avoid confusion between characters and numerals when used as name identifiers |
Medium | Avoid Empty Except | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidEmptyExcept | AvoidEmptyExcept: Avoid using empty except clauses |
Medium | Avoid Explicit Returns Init | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidExplicitReturnsInit | AvoidExplicitReturnsInit: Avoid returning a value into __init__ |
Medium | Avoid Using Return And Yield Together | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.AvoidUsingReturnAndYieldTogether | AvoidUsingReturnAndYieldTogether: Avoid using return inside a generator |
Medium | Check Exit Method Signature | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.CheckExitMethodSignature | CheckExitMethodSignature: Check __exit__ method signature |
Medium | Duplicate Argument Name | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.DuplicateArgumentName | DuplicateArgumentName: Avoid using the same name for more than a function argument |
Medium | Duplicated Field Name With Class | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.DuplicatedFieldNameWithClass | DuplicatedFieldNameWithClass: Avoid using the same name for attibute than the class name |
Medium | Future Import Is Not The First | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.FutureImportIsNotTheFirst | FutureImportIsNotTheFirst: Avoid to import the __future__ module in the middle of a module |
Medium | Redefinition Into List Comprehension | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.RedefinitionIntoListComprehension | RedefinitionIntoListComprehension: Avoid variable redefinitions into a list comprehension |
Medium | Static Method First Argument | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.StaticMethodFirstArgument | StaticMethodFirstArgument: The first argument of static methods should not be neither "self" or "cls" |
Medium | Unreachable Code | OPT.PYTHON.RELIABILITY.UnreachableCode | UnreachableCode: Avoid unreachable code |
Medium | Execution After Redirect | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.ExecutionAfterRedirect | ExecutionAfterRedirect: Execution After Redirect (EAR) |
Medium | Potential Infinite Loop | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.PotentialInfiniteLoop | PotentialInfiniteLoop: Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop') |
Medium | Unchecked Input In Loop Condition | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.UncheckedInputInLoopCondition | UncheckedInputInLoopCondition: Unchecked input in loop condition |
Medium | Hardcoded Auth Data | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.HardcodedAuthData | HardcodedAuthData: Use of Hard-coded Credentials |
Medium | Information Exposure Through Error Message | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.InformationExposureThroughErrorMessage | InformationExposureThroughErrorMessage: Avoid sensitive information exposure through error messages |
Medium | Password In Configuration File | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.PasswordInConfigurationFile | PasswordInConfigurationFile: Use of credentials into configuration file |
Medium | Insecure Randomness | OPT.PYTHON.SECURITY.InsecureRandomness | InsecureRandomness: Standard pseudo-random number generators cannot withstand cryptographic attacks |