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Customize score settings at an organization level

Contrasts designates an application score, which can optionally depend on a library score. To customize score settings at an organization level:

  1. Under organization settings, select Score settings.

  2. Under Overall score, choose how applications in this organization are scored:

    • Default score is the average of your application's library score and its custom code score.

    • Custom code-only score ignores library score when calculating the overall application score. If you select this option, you can click to select specific languages, or apply it to all languages.

  3. Under Library score, choose how libraries in this application are scored:

    • Default score uses an algorithm that includes vulnerabilities, as well as the age and versioning of a library.

    • Vulnerability-only score bases scoring solely on vulnerabilities present in the library.

  4. Select Save.


A RulesAdmin can configure policy settings in Policy Management so that any library in violation automatically receives a failing score (F). Once these settings are chosen, you'll see an alert message in Score Settings. Clicking the policy link in the alert navigates you to Library Policy, where administrators may view and revise these settings.