Install the Ruby agent manually

To install the Ruby agent manually:

  1. Download the contrast-agent-\.gem* file to a local directory, and add the gem to the project gemfile:

    gem 'contrast-agent'
  2. Install the gem in the gemset for the current application:

    bundle exec gem install ./path/to/contrast-agent-*.gem --platform ruby
  3. Run an install:

    bundle install

    Or an update:

    bundle update contrast-agent
  4. Configure middleware (Rails or Sinatra).

  5. Configure the agent.

  6. Verify that autoconf is installed on the system where you will run the agent.

  7. Start and exercise your application as normal.

  8. Verify that your server is registered in Contrast and that it reports an instance of your application.


In systems using the rvm or rbenv, the environment of a user on the system might be different than the environment that the runtime server environment is using. If you can't find the gem after server startup, make sure that the gem is in a gemset available to the running web server environment.

In cases where the gem is not installed and the system can connect to RubyGems, Bundler will fall back to using RubyGems.