Java Scan rules
Contrast Scan supports these rules for Java.
Severity | Contrast rule | Engine rule ID | Description |
Critical | Use Authenticated SOAP Messages | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseAuthenticatedSOAPMessages | UseAuthenticatedSOAPMessages: Use SOAP messages authentication |
Critical | Use Encrypted SOAP Messages | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseEncryptedSOAPMessages | UseEncryptedSOAPMessages: Use encrypted SOAP messages |
Critical | Use Signed SOAP Messages | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseSignedSOAPMessages | UseSignedSOAPMessages: Use signed SOAP messages |
Critical | Acegi Insecure Channel Mixing Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AcegiInsecureChannelMixingRule | AcegiInsecureChannelMixingRule: Acegi Misconfiguration - Insecure Channel Mixing |
Critical | Insecure SSL | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InsecureSSL | InsecureSSL: Insecure SSL configuration |
Critical | Too Much Origins Allowed Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.TooMuchOriginsAllowedRule | TooMuchOriginsAllowedRule: CORS policy (Cross-origin resource sharing) too broad |
Critical | Android SQL Injection | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AndroidSQLInjection | AndroidSQLInjection: Avoid SQL code formed with non neutralized user input |
Critical | Content Provider Uri Injection | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ContentProviderUriInjection | ContentProviderUriInjection: Content Provider URI Injection |
Critical | Dynamically Loading Code | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DynamicallyLoadingCode | DynamicallyLoadingCode: Discourage dynamically loading code |
Critical | Intent Manipulation | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.IntentManipulation | IntentManipulation: Intent Manipulation |
Critical | Javascript Enabled | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.JavascriptEnabled | JavascriptEnabled: Enabling JavaScript is not recommended |
Critical | Javascript Interface Annotation | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.JavascriptInterfaceAnnotation | JavascriptInterfaceAnnotation: Potential code injection via WebView.addJavaScriptInterface() |
Critical | Code Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.CodeInjectionRule | CodeInjectionRule: Dynamic code injection in scripting API |
Critical | Code Injection With Deserialization Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.CodeInjectionWithDeserializationRule | CodeInjectionWithDeserializationRule: Dynamic code injection during XML / JSON deserialization |
Critical | Command Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.CommandInjectionRule | CommandInjectionRule: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection') |
Critical | Connection String Parameter Pollution | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ConnectionStringParameterPollution | ConnectionStringParameterPollution: Connection string polluted with untrusted input |
Critical | Never Use Identifier In Equals Hashcode | OPT.HIBERNATE.NeverUseIdentifierInEqualsHashcode | NeverUseIdentifierInEqualsHashcode: Never ever use the database identifier in equals() and hashCode() |
Critical | Rollback Transaction On Exception | OPT.HIBERNATE.RollbackTransactionOnException | RollbackTransactionOnException: Rollback transactions if an exception occurs |
Critical | Static Inner Persistent Classes | OPT.HIBERNATE.StaticInnerPersistentClasses | StaticInnerPersistentClasses: If an inner class is persistent, it should be static |
Critical | Access to persistence layer from Struts Actions | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.ALPA | ALPA: Access to persistence layer from Struts Actions |
Critical | N A E A | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.NAEA | NAEA: Do not use non final instance fields in Actions |
Critical | Activity Start At Broadcast Intent | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ActivityStartAtBroadcastIntent | ActivityStartAtBroadcastIntent: Activity Start in response to broadcast Intent |
Critical | Cross Site Scripting Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.CrossSiteScriptingRule | CrossSiteScriptingRule: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') |
Critical | Http Splitting Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.HttpSplittingRule | HttpSplittingRule: Improper Neutralization of CRLF Sequences in HTTP Headers ('HTTP Response Splitting') |
Critical | I Batis SQL Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.IBatisSqlInjectionRule | IBatisSqlInjectionRule: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command in iBatis ('SQL Injection') |
Critical | Ldap Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.LdapInjectionRule | LdapInjectionRule: Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input in LDAP search filters |
Critical | Mail Command Injection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.MailCommandInjection | MailCommandInjection: Mail Command Injection |
Critical | No SQL Injection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.NoSQLInjection | NoSQLInjection: Improper neutralization of special elements in data query logic (NoSQL injection) |
Critical | Process Control Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ProcessControlRule | ProcessControlRule: Library loaded from untrusted source |
Critical | Regex Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.RegexInjectionRule | RegexInjectionRule: Prevent denial of service attack through malicious regular expression ('Regex Injection') |
Critical | Privilege Escalation Attack | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.PrivilegeEscalationAttack | PrivilegeEscalationAttack: Don't allow applications to execute code using other applications privileges |
Critical | Same Origin Method Execution | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.SameOriginMethodExecution | SameOriginMethodExecution: Same Origin Method Execution (SOME) |
Critical | Server Side Request Forgery Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ServerSideRequestForgeryRule | ServerSideRequestForgeryRule: Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) |
Critical | Spring View Manipulation | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.SpringViewManipulation | SpringViewManipulation: Spring View Manipulation |
Critical | S Q L Resources | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.SQLResources | SQLResources: Close SQL resources when finishing using |
Critical | SQL Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.SqlInjectionRule | SqlInjectionRule: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') |
Critical | B L N C | OPT.JAVA.BEANS.BLNC | BLNC: Use appropiate signatures for all listener methods in JavaBeans |
Critical | Avoid Assign In For | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidAssignInFor | AvoidAssignInFor: Avoid assigning values to variables inside for loops |
Critical | Avoid Reuse Var | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidReuseVar | AvoidReuseVar: Avoid reusing the control variables in nested loops |
Critical | Float Double Comparison | OPT.JAVA.COMP.FloatDoubleComparison | FloatDoubleComparison: Avoid using Code Quality[]{'CERT-J': ['NUM07-J']} |
Critical | Avoid Call AWT From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.COMPDAT.AvoidCallAWTFromServlet | AvoidCallAWTFromServlet: Avoid calling Java.awt.* from servlet code |
Critical | Avoid Call Swing From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.COMPDAT.AvoidCallSwingFromServlet | AvoidCallSwingFromServlet: Avoid calling Javax.swing.* from any servlet |
Critical | Avoid Return In Constructors | OPT.JAVA.CONST.AvoidReturnInConstructors | AvoidReturnInConstructors: Avoid constructors with return types |
Critical | Avoid Declare Matrix Volatile | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidDeclareMatrixVolatile | AvoidDeclareMatrixVolatile: Do not declare an array field as volatile |
Critical | Avoid Inaccessible Class | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidInaccessibleClass | AvoidInaccessibleClass: Avoid inaccessible classes |
Critical | Avoid Break Continue In Labels | OPT.JAVA.ESTRUC.AvoidBreakContinueInLabels | AvoidBreakContinueInLabels: Avoid using continue and break with labels |
Critical | Avoid Call Sound From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.EXAC.AvoidCallSoundFromServlet | AvoidCallSoundFromServlet: Avoid calling Javax.sound.* from any servlet code |
Critical | Avoid Throw Null Pointer Exceptions | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidThrowNullPointerExceptions | AvoidThrowNullPointerExceptions: Avoid launching NullPointerExceptions |
Critical | Avoid Remove Action Listener | OPT.JAVA.FIN.AvoidRemoveActionListener | AvoidRemoveActionListener: Avoid removing listeners in finalize() methods |
Critical | A B C L | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.ABCL | ABCL: Avoid usage of break/continue sentences with a label |
Critical | A GC | OPT.JAVA.GC.AGC | AGC: Do not call to GC with System.gc() |
Critical | I F F | OPT.JAVA.GC.IFF | IFF: Call super.finalize() in the finally block of finalize() methods |
Critical | Avoid Await Outside Brackets | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidAwaitOutsideBrackets | AvoidAwaitOutsideBrackets: Avoid using the method await() of the class java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition class outside a while loop |
Critical | Avoid Call Wait | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidCallWait | AvoidCallWait: Avoid calling wait() on an object java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition |
Critical | Avoid Runnable Without Run | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidRunnableWithoutRun | AvoidRunnableWithoutRun: Avoid implementing Runnable without a run() method |
Critical | Run With Synchronize | OPT.JAVA.HEB.RunWithSynchronize | RunWithSynchronize: Always use 'synchronized' with the run() methods |
Critical | Avoid Load Library | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidLoadLibrary | AvoidLoadLibrary: Avoid calling java.lang.System.loadLibrary() or java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary() |
Critical | Avoid Set Security Manager | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidSetSecurityManager | AvoidSetSecurityManager: Avoid calling java.lang.System.setSecurityManager() |
Critical | Avoid Protected Native Methods | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.AvoidProtectedNativeMethods | AvoidProtectedNativeMethods: Avoid protected native methods |
Critical | Avoid Public Native Methods | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.AvoidPublicNativeMethods | AvoidPublicNativeMethods: Avoid public native methods |
Critical | Avoid Invalid Exception Handling | OPT.JAVA.JAX.AvoidInvalidExceptionHandling | AvoidInvalidExceptionHandling: Perform a exception handling conforming to JAX-WS specifications |
Critical | Avoid Web Method Annotation In Endpoint Interfaces | OPT.JAVA.JAX.AvoidWebMethodAnnotationInEndpointInterfaces | AvoidWebMethodAnnotationInEndpointInterfaces: Avoid using @WebMethod annotation in endpoint interfaces methods |
Critical | Xml Entity Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.XmlEntityInjectionRule | XmlEntityInjectionRule: XML entity injection |
Critical | Avoid Data Submission To Non Editable Field | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidDataSubmissionToNonEditableField | AvoidDataSubmissionToNonEditableField: Avoid data submissions to non editable fields |
Critical | D S L V | OPT.JAVA.JDBC.DSLV | DSLV: Do not create Datasource variables in local methods |
Critical | S E T P S | OPT.JAVA.JDBC.SETPS | SETPS: PreparedStatement parameter values must be defined before executing the query |
Critical | Set Up J Unit | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.SetUpJUnit | SetUpJUnit: Always overwrite the method setUp() in each test case of JUnits |
Critical | Avoid Call Thread From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.MAN.AvoidCallThreadFromServlet | AvoidCallThreadFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.Thread from any servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Finalize | OPT.JAVA.MEM.AvoidCallFinalize | AvoidCallFinalize: Avoid calling finalize() except in the finally block of the method finalize() |
Critical | Avoid Garbage Collector | OPT.JAVA.MEM.AvoidGarbageCollector | AvoidGarbageCollector: Avoid invoking the garbage collector |
Critical | Avoid Publicfinalize | OPT.JAVA.MEM.AvoidPublicfinalize | AvoidPublicfinalize: Do not declare finalize() public |
Critical | A S I | OPT.JAVA.PB.ASI | ASI: Possible confusion between assignment and comparison in a conditional expression |
Critical | M A I L | OPT.JAVA.PB.MAIL | MAIL: Avoid usages of javax.mail.* |
Critical | N A M I N G | OPT.JAVA.PB.NAMING | NAMING: Avoid naming not-constructor methods wiht the same name than its class |
Critical | T L S | OPT.JAVA.PB.TLS | TLS: Avoid using text tags in statements |
Critical | Avoid Call Applet From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallAppletFromServlet | AvoidCallAppletFromServlet: Avoid calling java.applet.* from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Class Loader From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallClassLoaderFromServlet | AvoidCallClassLoaderFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.ClassLoader from finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Context From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallContextFromServlet | AvoidCallContextFromServlet: Avoid calling javax.naming.Context from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Driver From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallDriverFromServlet | AvoidCallDriverFromServlet: Avoid calling java.sql.Driver from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call I O From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallIOFromServlet | AvoidCallIOFromServlet: Avoid calling * from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Lang Ref From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallLangRefFromServlet | AvoidCallLangRefFromServlet: Avoid calling Java.lang.ref.* from finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Port Rem Obj From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallPortRemObjFromServlet | AvoidCallPortRemObjFromServlet: Avoid calling javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Runnable From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallRunnableFromServlet | AvoidCallRunnableFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.Runnable from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Security From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallSecurityFromServlet | AvoidCallSecurityFromServlet: Avoid calling .* from finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Transaction From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallTransactionFromServlet | AvoidCallTransactionFromServlet: Avoid calling javax.transaction.* from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Critical | Avoid Get Declared Method | OPT.JAVA.REFL.AvoidGetDeclaredMethod | AvoidGetDeclaredMethod: Avoid calling java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod() |
Critical | Avoid Get Field | OPT.JAVA.REFL.AvoidGetField | AvoidGetField: Avoid calling java.lang.Class.getField() |
Critical | Avoid Get Method | OPT.JAVA.REFL.AvoidGetMethod | AvoidGetMethod: Avoid calling the method getMethod() from java.lang.Class |
Critical | Avoid Call Compiler From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallCompilerFromServlet | AvoidCallCompilerFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.Compiler from any servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Reflect From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallReflectFromServlet | AvoidCallReflectFromServlet: Avoid calling Java.lang.reflect .* from any servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Runtime From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallRuntimeFromServlet | AvoidCallRuntimeFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.Runtime from any servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Thread Group From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallThreadGroupFromServlet | AvoidCallThreadGroupFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.ThreadGroup from any servlet |
Critical | Avoid Call Zip From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallZipFromServlet | AvoidCallZipFromServlet: Avoid calling .* from any servlet |
Critical | E A O F | OPT.JAVA.RGME.EAOF | EAOF: Do not access a class field too many times |
Critical | Dont Use Keywords | OPT.JAVA.RGP.DontUseKeywords | DontUseKeywords: Do not use keywords in later versions of the language |
Critical | E N V | OPT.JAVA.RGP.ENV | ENV: Avoid using System.getenv() |
Critical | E R A | OPT.JAVA.RGP.ERA | ERA: Avoid absolute paths |
Critical | E X E C | OPT.JAVA.RGP.EXEC | EXEC: Avoid using Runtime.exec() |
Critical | N A T V | OPT.JAVA.RGP.NATV | NATV: Avoid user-defined native methods |
Critical | P E E R | OPT.JAVA.RGP.PEER | PEER: Avoid using java.awt.peer.* interfaces |
Critical | Accessibility Subversion Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AccessibilitySubversionRule | AccessibilitySubversionRule: Java access restriction subverted (Reflection) |
Critical | Acegi Run As Authentication Replacement Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AcegiRunAsAuthenticationReplacementRule | AcegiRunAsAuthenticationReplacementRule: Acegi Misconfiguration - Run-As Authentication Replacement |
Critical | Anonymous Ldap Bind Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AnonymousLdapBindRule | AnonymousLdapBindRule: Access Control - Anonymous LDAP Bind |
Critical | Path Traversal Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PathTraversalRule | PathTraversalRule: Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input composed in a pathname to a resource |
Critical | Spring Unrestricted Request Mapping | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.SpringUnrestrictedRequestMapping | SpringUnrestrictedRequestMapping: Spring CSRF unrestricted RequestMapping. |
Critical | Static Database Connection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.StaticDatabaseConnection | StaticDatabaseConnection: Static database connection / session |
Critical | Avoid Add Container Himself | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidAddContainerHimself | AvoidAddContainerHimself: Avoid adding a container itself |
Critical | Avoid Incorrect Increase | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidIncorrectIncrease | AvoidIncorrectIncrease: Avoid assigning a post increment to itself |
Critical | Avoid Invoke Exit | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidInvokeExit | AvoidInvokeExit: Do not call System.exit() |
Critical | Avoid Invoke Run Finalizers On Exit | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidInvokeRunFinalizersOnExit | AvoidInvokeRunFinalizersOnExit: Avoid calling java.lang.System.runFinalizersOnExit() |
Critical | Not Use Label Sentences | OPT.JAVA.SENT.NotUseLabelSentences | NotUseLabelSentences: Do not use labels |
Critical | Declare Contructor For Externalizable | OPT.JAVA.SERI.DeclareContructorForExternalizable | DeclareContructorForExternalizable: Always declare a constructor for a class that implements |
Critical | Read Resolve Return Object | OPT.JAVA.SERI.ReadResolveReturnObject | ReadResolveReturnObject: Always have a return type of java.lang.Object() in the methods readResolve() |
Critical | S B L | OPT.JAVA.STR.SBL | SBL: Remove toString method when using StringBuffer/StringBuilder to obtain string size |
Critical | Avoid Sun Star | OPT.JAVA.SUN.AvoidSunStar | AvoidSunStar: Avoid using sun .* |
Critical | Avoid Label Switch Sentences | OPT.JAVA.SWITCH.AvoidLabelSwitchSentences | AvoidLabelSwitchSentences: Avoid using text labels in switch commands |
Critical | A U T Y | OPT.JAVA.TRS.AUTY | AUTY: Avoid using Thread.yield |
Critical | C S F S | OPT.JAVA.TRS.CSFS | CSFS: Do not cause deadlocks by calling synchronized method from another synchronized method |
Critical | N S Y N | OPT.JAVA.TRS.NSYN | NSYN: Avoid calling wait, notify or notifyAll out of a synchronized context |
Critical | T H R D | OPT.JAVA.TRS.THRD | THRD: Avoid calling Thread.resume(), Thread.stop(), Thread.suspend(), or Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit() |
Critical | Android Sticky Broadcast | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AndroidStickyBroadcast | AndroidStickyBroadcast: Avoid Sticky Broadcasts |
Critical | Receiver Without Permission | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ReceiverWithoutPermission | ReceiverWithoutPermission: Missing broadcaster permission when register a receiver |
Critical | SMS Monitoring | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.SMSMonitoring | SMSMonitoring: Don't use SMS for data input or command |
Critical | Password In Redirect Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PasswordInRedirectRule | PasswordInRedirectRule: Password Management - Password in Redirect |
Critical | Use A Safe Cipher | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UseASafeCipher | UseASafeCipher: Avoid using cipher in ECB mode, or without specifying the mode |
Critical | Hardcoded Crypto Key | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.HardcodedCryptoKey | HardcodedCryptoKey: Hardcoded cryptographic keys |
Critical | Non Random IV With CBC Mode | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.NonRandomIVWithCBCMode | NonRandomIVWithCBCMode: Not using a Random IV with CBC Mode |
Critical | Weak Cryptographic Hash Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.WeakCryptographicHashRule | WeakCryptographicHashRule: Weak cryptographic hash |
Critical | Weak Encryption Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.WeakEncryptionRule | WeakEncryptionRule: Weak symmetric encryption algorithm |
High | Do Not Release Debuggable Apps | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DoNotReleaseDebuggableApps | DoNotReleaseDebuggableApps: Do not release debuggable apps |
High | Prevent Backup Vulnerability | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.PreventBackupVulnerability | PreventBackupVulnerability: Inadecuate backup configuration |
High | Dynamic Method Invocation | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.DynamicMethodInvocation | DynamicMethodInvocation: Dynamic method invocation in Struts 2 |
High | Insufficient Session Expiration Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InsufficientSessionExpirationRule | InsufficientSessionExpirationRule: Checks that session expiration interval is positive and does not exceed a limit |
High | Play Security Misconfiguration | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PlaySecurityMisconfiguration | PlaySecurityMisconfiguration: Security misconfiguration in Play framework. |
High | Web Xml Security Misconfigurations Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.WebXmlSecurityMisconfigurationsRule | WebXmlSecurityMisconfigurationsRule: Avoid misconfiguring security properties in web.xml descriptor |
High | Prevent Exposition Of All Repositories | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.PreventExpositionOfAllRepositories | PreventExpositionOfAllRepositories: Avoid exposing all repositories as REST resources |
High | Bind Parameters In Queries | OPT.HIBERNATE.BindParametersInQueries | BindParametersInQueries: Use bind (or named) parameters in HQL and native SQL queries |
High | Mock Location | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.MockLocation | MockLocation: Avoid using a mock location provider |
High | Package Manager Get Signatures | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.PackageManagerGetSignatures | PackageManagerGetSignatures: Potential Multiple Certificate Exploit |
High | Avoid Multiple Entities Mapped To Same Table | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidMultipleEntitiesMappedToSameTable | AvoidMultipleEntitiesMappedToSameTable: Avoid more than one entity mapped to same database table |
High | Classes Should Be Their Own Proxy | OPT.HIBERNATE.ClassesShouldBeTheirOwnProxy | ClassesShouldBeTheirOwnProxy: Every persistent class should be its own proxy |
High | Close Sessions Where Opened | OPT.HIBERNATE.CloseSessionsWhereOpened | CloseSessionsWhereOpened: Close sessions in the method where they are opened |
High | Declare Private Identifier Setter | OPT.HIBERNATE.DeclarePrivateIdentifierSetter | DeclarePrivateIdentifierSetter: The setter method for an identifier property (id or composite-id) should be private |
High | Declare Type For Date Property | OPT.HIBERNATE.DeclareTypeForDateProperty | DeclareTypeForDateProperty: Declare type for java.util.Date property in configuration file |
High | Implement Zero Argument Constructor | OPT.HIBERNATE.ImplementZeroArgumentConstructor | ImplementZeroArgumentConstructor: Implement a zero-argument constructor for persistent classes |
High | Invalid Property Type Mapping | OPT.HIBERNATE.InvalidPropertyTypeMapping | InvalidPropertyTypeMapping: Map a Hibernate property type only to the corresponding Java type |
High | Referenced Class Not Defined | OPT.HIBERNATE.ReferencedClassNotDefined | ReferencedClassNotDefined: Classes referenced in the configuration file (*.hbm.xml) should be declared |
High | Aapt Crash | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AaptCrash | AaptCrash: Avoid defining styles with dynamically generated identifiers |
High | Adapter View Children | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AdapterViewChildren | AdapterViewChildren: AdapterViews cannot have children in xml |
High | Always Canonicalize URL Received By Content Provider | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AlwaysCanonicalizeURLReceivedByContentProvider | AlwaysCanonicalizeURLReceivedByContentProvider: Avoid improper access to application data |
High | Cross Site Request Forgery Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.CrossSiteRequestForgeryRule | CrossSiteRequestForgeryRule: Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) |
High | Call Super First On Init | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.CallSuperFirstOnInit | CallSuperFirstOnInit: Be sure super method is called first on initialization methods |
High | Call Super Last On End | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.CallSuperLastOnEnd | CallSuperLastOnEnd: Ensure that on finalization methods, super method is called at the end of the method |
High | External Control Of Configuration Setting | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ExternalControlOfConfigurationSetting | ExternalControlOfConfigurationSetting: External Control of System or Configuration Setting |
High | Device Admin | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DeviceAdmin | DeviceAdmin: Check if receiver acts like a device admin |
High | Http Parameter Pollution Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.HttpParameterPollutionRule | HttpParameterPollutionRule: HTTP parameter pollution (HPP) |
High | Dont Use Config | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DontUseConfig | DontUseConfig: Avoid using deprecated android.util.Config |
High | Dont Use Find View By Id Repeately | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DontUseFindViewByIdRepeately | DontUseFindViewByIdRepeately: Avoid repeatedly calling to findViewById() with the same identifier |
High | Duplicate Ids | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DuplicateIds | DuplicateIds: Avoid duplicated ids within the same layout |
High | JSON Injection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.JSONInjection | JSONInjection: Avoid using non-neutralized user-controlled input into JSON entities - JSON Injection |
High | Log Forging | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.LogForging | LogForging: Improper Output Neutralization for Logs |
High | Grant All Uris | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.GrantAllUris | GrantAllUris: Avoid sharing root path |
High | Incorrect Wake Lock Usage | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.IncorrectWakeLockUsage | IncorrectWakeLockUsage: Make sure WakeLock is liberated |
High | Illegal Resource Ref | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.IllegalResourceRef | IllegalResourceRef: Checks versionCode and versionName are literals |
High | Open Redirect Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.OpenRedirectRule | OpenRedirectRule: URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') |
High | Missing Super Call | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.MissingSuperCall | MissingSuperCall: Check super method is caller into the implementation |
High | Reflected File Download | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ReflectedFileDownload | ReflectedFileDownload: Improper Neutralization of Input leads to Reflected File Download |
High | Nested Scrolling | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.NestedScrolling | NestedScrolling: Avoid scrolling widgets with scrolling widgets children |
High | Resource Injection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ResourceInjection | ResourceInjection: Improper control of resource identifiers ("Resource Injection") |
High | Reference Type | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ReferenceType | ReferenceType: Alias and resource types have to be the same |
High | Resource As Color | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ResourceAsColor | ResourceAsColor: Avoid method calls using color id directly as paremeter |
High | Resource Cycle | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ResourceCycle | ResourceCycle: Cycles can't exist in resources definition |
High | Scroll View Size | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ScrollViewSize | ScrollViewSize: Check layout_width and layout_height attributes for ScrollView children |
High | Sd Card Path | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.SdCardPath | SdCardPath: Avoid hardcoded references to SD card path |
High | Scroll View Count | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ScrollViewCount | ScrollViewCount: Check ScrollViews just have one children |
High | Text View Edits | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.TextViewEdits | TextViewEdits: Check if TextView is correctly used |
High | Use Check Permission | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UseCheckPermission | UseCheckPermission: Use the result of a permission check |
High | Use Serialization Judiciously | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UseSerializationJudiciously | UseSerializationJudiciously: Discourage use of Serialization, use JSON instead |
High | Uses Min Sdk Attributes | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UsesMinSdkAttributes | UsesMinSdkAttributes: Check required API levels are specified |
High | Wrong View Cast | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.WrongViewCast | WrongViewCast: Type check for views with an assigned id |
High | Wait Sleep In Activit | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.WaitSleepInActivit | WaitSleepInActivit: Avoid using Thread.wait or Thread.sleep in Activity |
High | J DB C | OPT.JAVA.BEANS.JDBC | JDBC: Avoid JDBC use in Bean classes |
High | S Z B L | OPT.JAVA.BEANS.SZBL | SZBL: Verify that beans implements |
High | Avoid Use Replace Methods Rule | OPT.JAVA.CADCAR.AvoidUseReplaceMethodsRule | AvoidUseReplaceMethodsRule: Do not use '.' in String methods expecting a regular expression |
High | P J D C C | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.PJDCC | PJDCC: Provide Javadoc comments for public classes and interfaces |
High | S Y N | OPT.JAVA.CFFSERVLET.SYN | SYN: Minimize synchronization in Servlets |
High | C T N L | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.CTNL | CTNL: Avoid classes / interfaces with too many lines of code |
High | N O F | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NOF | NOF: Maximum allowed number of fields |
High | N O M | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NOM | NOM: Maximum allowed number of methods |
High | T C C | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.TCC | TCC: Cyclomatic complexity |
High | A A I | OPT.JAVA.CNU.AAI | AAI: Avoid unnecessary modifiers in an interface |
High | D I | OPT.JAVA.CNU.DI | DI: Avoid duplicated imports |
High | E I | OPT.JAVA.CNU.EI | EI: Avoid excesive import lines |
High | E P N U | OPT.JAVA.CNU.EPNU | EPNU: Avoid unused parameters |
High | E V N U | OPT.JAVA.CNU.EVNU | EVNU: Avoid unused local variables |
High | P F | OPT.JAVA.CNU.PF | PF: Avoid unused private fields |
High | P M | OPT.JAVA.CNU.PM | PM: Avoid unused private methods and constructors |
High | U I | OPT.JAVA.CNU.UI | UI: Avoid unused imports |
High | E I S | OPT.JAVA.COL.EIS | EIS: Avoid concurrently iterations over a collection |
High | Equals Hash Code | OPT.JAVA.COMP.EqualsHashCode | EqualsHashCode: Always overwrite java.lang.Object.equals() and java.lang.Object.hashCode() |
High | Method Equals | OPT.JAVA.COMP.MethodEquals | MethodEquals: Make sure the method name is equals() and not equal |
High | Avoid Return Object | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidReturnObject | AvoidReturnObject: Avoid returning Java.lang.Object, instead convert it to a specific type |
High | Avoid Method Invok Only Super Method | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidMethodInvokOnlySuperMethod | AvoidMethodInvokOnlySuperMethod: Avoid methods that invoke only overwritten supermethods |
High | Avoid Not Use Field | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidNotUseField | AvoidNotUseField: Avoid unused fields |
High | Correct Hash Code | OPT.JAVA.DECL.CorrectHashCode | CorrectHashCode: Make sure the hashCode() method is spelled correctly |
High | Correct To String | OPT.JAVA.DECL.CorrectToString | CorrectToString: Make sure the name of the method is toString() and not tostring() |
High | Declare Equals Method Of Compareable | OPT.JAVA.DECL.DeclareEqualsMethodOfCompareable | DeclareEqualsMethodOfCompareable: Always declare equals() method in a class that implements java.lang.Comparable |
High | Signature Standard Equals | OPT.JAVA.DECL.SignatureStandardEquals | SignatureStandardEquals: Always use the standard signature for equals methods |
High | Make your clone() method final for security | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.CLONE | CLONE: Declare clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException for Cloneable class |
High | Trust Boundary Violation Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.TrustBoundaryViolationRule | TrustBoundaryViolationRule: Trust boundary violation |
High | U C C | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.UCC | UCC: Private constructors in class with static members |
High | Avoid Remote Exception | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidRemoteException | AvoidRemoteException: Throw RemoteException from methods of remote interfaces |
High | Dont Avoid Remote Exception | OPT.JAVA.EJB.DontAvoidRemoteException | DontAvoidRemoteException: Do not throw an 'java.rmi.RemoteException' for methods of local interfaces |
High | Public Constructor Without Parameters | OPT.JAVA.EJB.PublicConstructorWithoutParameters | PublicConstructorWithoutParameters: Every EJB class should have a public constructor with no parameters |
High | Reuse EJB Home Instances | OPT.JAVA.EJB.ReuseEJBHomeInstances | ReuseEJBHomeInstances: Always reuse EJBHome instances |
High | Avoid New Throwable | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidNewThrowable | AvoidNewThrowable: Avoid creating new instances of java.lang.Throwable |
High | Avoid Null Pointer Exception | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidNullPointerException | AvoidNullPointerException: Avoid capturing NullPointerExceptions |
High | Avoid Throw Error | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidThrowError | AvoidThrowError: Avoid throwing java.lang.Error |
High | Avoid Throw Runtime Excetions | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidThrowRuntimeExcetions | AvoidThrowRuntimeExcetions: Avoid throwing RuntimeExceptions |
High | Avoid Empty Methods Finalize | OPT.JAVA.FIN.AvoidEmptyMethodsFinalize | AvoidEmptyMethodsFinalize: Avoid empty finalize() methods |
High | Avoid Overload Finalize | OPT.JAVA.FIN.AvoidOverloadFinalize | AvoidOverloadFinalize: Avoid overloading the method finalize() |
High | Dont Call Finalize | OPT.JAVA.FIN.DontCallFinalize | DontCallFinalize: Never call finalize() explicitly |
High | N C A C | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.NCAC | NCAC: Do not call an abstract method from a constructor in abstract classes |
High | O V E R R I D E | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.OVERRIDE | OVERRIDE: Override Object.equals ()when you override Object.hashCode () |
High | A U T P | OPT.JAVA.GC.AUTP | AUTP: Avoid unnecesary temporal wrapping objects when converting primitive data to String |
High | D U D | OPT.JAVA.GC.DUD | DUD: Avoid using Date[], use long[] instead |
High | F C F | OPT.JAVA.GC.FCF | FCF: Call super.finalize() from finalize() |
High | OS T M | OPT.JAVA.GC.OSTM | OSTM: Prevent potential memory leaks in ObjectOutputStreams by calling reset () or close () |
High | S T V | OPT.JAVA.GC.STV | STV: Avoid static collections; they can grow without bounds |
High | Avoid Call Interrupted Object | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidCallInterruptedObject | AvoidCallInterruptedObject: Avoid calling Thread.interrupted() on an arbitrary Thread |
High | Avoid Call Run | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidCallRun | AvoidCallRun: Avoid calling |
High | Avoid Sleep Inside While | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidSleepInsideWhile | AvoidSleepInsideWhile: Avoid using while() and sleep(), instead use wait() and notify() |
High | Avoid Synchronized Blocks Notify | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidSynchronizedBlocksNotify | AvoidSynchronizedBlocksNotify: Avoid synchronised blocks that have an invocation to notify() or notifyAll() as the statement |
High | Avoid Synchronized Object Lock | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidSynchronizedObjectLock | AvoidSynchronizedObjectLock: Avoid the synchronization of objects java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock |
High | Avoid Thread Destroy | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidThreadDestroy | AvoidThreadDestroy: Avoid calling java.lang.Thread.destroy |
High | Avoid Static Instance Class Without Fields | OPT.JAVA.INIC.AvoidStaticInstanceClassWithoutFields | AvoidStaticInstanceClassWithoutFields: Avoid creating new objects in static initializers before all static fields have been initialized |
High | A M I | OPT.JAVA.INICIA.AMI | AMI: Avoid initializations of several variables with the same value in a line |
High | N F S | OPT.JAVA.INICIA.NFS | NFS: Do not use non-final static fields during the initialization |
High | S F | OPT.JAVA.INICIA.SF | SF: Initialize all static fields |
High | Avoid System Out Err | OPT.JAVA.IO.AvoidSystemOutErr | AvoidSystemOutErr: Use specialized library instead of System.out or System.err for logging |
High | C S | OPT.JAVA.IO.CS | CS: Close input and output resources in finally blocks |
High | Dont Use Print Stack Trace | OPT.JAVA.IO.DontUsePrintStackTrace | DontUsePrintStackTrace: Do not use the printStackTrace method |
High | F I L B U F | OPT.JAVA.IO.FILBUF | FILBUF: All input/output resources must have a flow with buffer |
High | S I E | OPT.JAVA.IO.SIE | SIE: Avoid System.err.print() or Sytem.err.println() statements |
High | S I O | OPT.JAVA.IO.SIO | SIO: Avoid System.out.println() or System.out.print() statements |
High | Avoid Security Manager | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidSecurityManager | AvoidSecurityManager: Avoid using java.lang.SecurityManager |
High | Avoid Set Property | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidSetProperty | AvoidSetProperty: Avoid calling |
High | Dont Extend Class Loader | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.DontExtendClassLoader | DontExtendClassLoader: Do not allowed inheriting from java.lang.ClassLoader |
High | Final Class Extends Permission | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.FinalClassExtendsPermission | FinalClassExtendsPermission: A class that extends from should be final |
High | Unsafe Reflection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.UnsafeReflection | UnsafeReflection: Use of Externally-Controlled Input to Select Classes or Code ('Unsafe Reflection') |
High | XPath Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.XPathInjectionRule | XPathInjectionRule: Improper Neutralization of Data within XPath Expressions ('XPath Injection') |
High | Xslt Injection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.XsltInjection | XsltInjection: XML Injection (aka Blind XPath Injection) |
High | Use Cache With Idempotent And Safe Methods | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseCacheWithIdempotentAndSafeMethods | UseCacheWithIdempotentAndSafeMethods: Use cache along with idempotent and safe HTTP methods |
High | Validate Endpoint Business Methods | OPT.JAVA.JAX.ValidateEndpointBusinessMethods | ValidateEndpointBusinessMethods: Endpoint implementation class business methods must follow some requirements |
High | Validate Endpoint Implementation Class | OPT.JAVA.JAX.ValidateEndpointImplementationClass | ValidateEndpointImplementationClass: Endpoint implementation classes must follow some requirements |
High | C DB C | OPT.JAVA.JDBC.CDBC | CDBC: Close JDBC connections in finally blocks |
High | U P C | OPT.JAVA.JDBC.UPC | UPC: Use a connection pool |
High | Avoid Contructors Config Tests | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.AvoidContructorsConfigTests | AvoidContructorsConfigTests: Do not use constructors to set up test cases |
High | C E L | OPT.JAVA.LOOP.CEL | CEL: Avoid using method calls in a loop |
High | L O O P2 | OPT.JAVA.LOOP.LOOP2 | LOOP2: Do not instantiate temporal Objects in loops bodies |
High | P I | OPT.JAVA.LOOP.PI | PI: Avoid problematic constructions in a while loop |
High | S Y N | OPT.JAVA.LOOP.SYN | SYN: Avoid calling synchronized methods/blocks in a loop |
High | T R Y | OPT.JAVA.LOOP.TRY | TRY: Avoid using try statements in loops |
High | Avoid Empty Jar Zip | OPT.JAVA.MEM.AvoidEmptyJarZip | AvoidEmptyJarZip: Avoid creating empty JAR and ZIP |
High | Avoid Throw Inside Finally | OPT.JAVA.MEM.AvoidThrowInsideFinally | AvoidThrowInsideFinally: Avoid the command throws within finally |
High | L E V E L | OPT.JAVA.OOP.LEVEL | LEVEL: Avoid too many levels of nested inner classes |
High | A E C B | OPT.JAVA.PB.AECB | AECB: Avoid catch blocks with empty bodies |
High | C L P | OPT.JAVA.PB.CLP | CLP: Avoid casting primitive data types to lower precision |
High | D C F | OPT.JAVA.PB.DCF | DCF: Avoid comparing floating point types |
High | D C P | OPT.JAVA.PB.DCP | DCP: Avoid using the + string concatenation operator to concatenate numbers; use it only to add numbers |
High | D N I F | OPT.JAVA.PB.DNIF | DNIF: Avoid nested IF sentences with too many levels |
High | D S U P | OPT.JAVA.PB.DSUP | DSUP: Place default clause at the end of a switch - case |
High | E M S I | OPT.JAVA.PB.EMSI | EMSI: Avoid empty static blocks |
High | E Q L | OPT.JAVA.PB.EQL | EQL: Use getClass() in the equals() method implementation |
High | E Q L2 | OPT.JAVA.PB.EQL2 | EQL2: Use instanceof within an equals() method implementation |
High | E S B L | OPT.JAVA.PB.ESBL | ESBL: Avoid empty synchronized blocks |
High | F E B | OPT.JAVA.PB.FEB | FEB: Avoid 'for' and 'while' sentences with empty bodies |
High | F L V A | OPT.JAVA.PB.FLVA | FLVA: Do not assign loop control variables in the body of a for loop |
High | I E B | OPT.JAVA.PB.IEB | IEB: Avoid if statements with empty bodies |
High | M A I N | OPT.JAVA.PB.MAIN | MAIN: Use the method name main() only for the entry point method |
High | Don't use masterpage files C | OPT.JAVA.PB.MPC | MPC: Avoid parameter method names that provoke conflicts with class members names |
High | N D C | OPT.JAVA.PB.NDC | NDC: Avoid defining direct or indirect subclasses of Error and Throwable |
High | N X R E | OPT.JAVA.PB.NXRE | NXRE: Avoid defining direct or indirect subclasses of RuntimeException |
High | Non Heritable Exception Classes | OPT.JAVA.PB.NonHeritableExceptionClasses | NonHeritableExceptionClasses: Do not define exceptions that inherit from the specified classes |
High | P D S | OPT.JAVA.PB.PDS | PDS: Provide 'default' label for each switch statement |
High | S B C | OPT.JAVA.PB.SBC | SBC: Avoid using a switch structure with a bad case statement |
High | S B D F | OPT.JAVA.PB.SBDF | SBDF: Provide a break or return statement for the default label in a switch |
High | U E I2 | OPT.JAVA.PB.UEI2 | UEI2: Use equals() when comparing Strings |
High | U F S T | OPT.JAVA.PB.UFST | UFST: Avoid unconditional If blocks |
High | Avoid File Separators | OPT.JAVA.PORT.AvoidFileSeparators | AvoidFileSeparators: Avoid writing directly in the code directory separators in order to create a file |
High | Avoid Implement Peer Interfaces | OPT.JAVA.PORT.AvoidImplementPeerInterfaces | AvoidImplementPeerInterfaces: Avoid implementing java.awt.peer interfaces |
High | Avoid Call Bean From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallBeanFromServlet | AvoidCallBeanFromServlet: Avoid calling Java.beans.* from the finalize() method of a servlet |
High | Avoid Call SQL From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallSQLFromServlet | AvoidCallSQLFromServlet: Avoid calling Javax.sql.* from finalize() method of a servlet |
High | Avoid Get Declared Field | OPT.JAVA.REFL.AvoidGetDeclaredField | AvoidGetDeclaredField: Avoid calling java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField |
High | Avoid Call Driver Manager From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallDriverManagerFromServlet | AvoidCallDriverManagerFromServlet: Avoid calling java.sql.DriverManager from a servlet |
High | Avoid Call Process From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallProcessFromServlet | AvoidCallProcessFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.Process from any servlet |
High | Avoid Call System From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallSystemFromServlet | AvoidCallSystemFromServlet: Avoid calling java.lang.System from any servlet |
High | P J D C F | OPT.JAVA.RGD.PJDCF | PJDCF: Provide Javadoc comments for public fields |
High | A S F I | OPT.JAVA.RGM.ASFI | ASFI: Redeclare a class with only abstract methods and static final fields as an interface |
High | C T O R | OPT.JAVA.RGM.CTOR | CTOR: Avoid calling non-final, non-static and non-private methods from constructors |
High | M S F | OPT.JAVA.RGM.MSF | MSF: Avoid using too many 'non-final static' fields |
High | N U O T | OPT.JAVA.RGM.NUOT | NUOT: Do not use the ternary operator |
High | A R L L | OPT.JAVA.RGME.ARLL | ARLL: Do not access arrays 'length' property in a loop condition |
High | A G Q S | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.AGQS | AGQS: Avoid getQueryString(), using getParameter() |
High | A M C O | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.AMCO | AMCO: Avoid using repeated cast over the same object or variable (Max 3 cast of every type) |
High | Dont Use Reflection | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.DontUseReflection | DontUseReflection: Avoid the use of reflection |
High | E I O F | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.EIOF | EIOF: Avoid if/else-if chains performing type testing |
High | S D F | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.SDF | SDF: Date format class java.text.SimpleDateFormat spends many resources |
High | Avoid Runtime And System Classes | OPT.JAVA.RGP.AvoidRuntimeAndSystemClasses | AvoidRuntimeAndSystemClasses: Do not use Runtime and System classes |
High | Do not use applets in an application client | OPT.JAVA.RGS.NUA | NUA: Do not use applets in an application client layer |
High | Transient fields in Serializable classes | OPT.JAVA.RGS.SER | SER: 'Transient' fields in 'Serializable' classes |
High | Avoid EJB Explicit Server Socket | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBExplicitServerSocket | AvoidEJBExplicitServerSocket: EJB Bad Practices: Use of Sockets |
High | Avoid EJB Explicit Thread Management | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBExplicitThreadManagement | AvoidEJBExplicitThreadManagement: Avoid explicit thread management in EJB |
High | Avoid J2EE Jvm Exit | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidJ2EEJvmExit | AvoidJ2EEJvmExit: Avoid JVM shutdown code in J2EE applications |
High | Cookies In Security Decision | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.CookiesInSecurityDecision | CookiesInSecurityDecision: Reliance on Cookies without Validation and Integrity Checking in a Security Decision |
High | Database Access Control Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.DatabaseAccessControlRule | DatabaseAccessControlRule: Avoid queries in the database except from the specific classes |
High | J2ee File Disclosure Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.J2eeFileDisclosureRule | J2eeFileDisclosureRule: File disclosure in server-side J2EE forward/include |
High | Not Overridable Method Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.NotOverridableMethodRule | NotOverridableMethodRule: Not overridable method |
High | Race Condition Format Flaw | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.RaceConditionFormatFlaw | RaceConditionFormatFlaw: Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization ('Race Condition') |
High | Race Condition Servlet | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.RaceConditionServlet | RaceConditionServlet: Race Condition in a Java Servlet |
High | Security Check In Overridable Method Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.SecurityCheckInOverridableMethodRule | SecurityCheckInOverridableMethodRule: Methods that perform a security check must be declared private or final |
High | Spring No Anti Xss Configuration | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.SpringNoAntiXssConfiguration | SpringNoAntiXssConfiguration: Use defaultHtmlEscape {'OWASP-2021': ['A5'], 'WASC': ['08'], 'PCI-DSS': ['6.5.7'], 'ASVS-v4.0.2': ['3.4.5']} |
High | Unhandled SSL Exception Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.UnhandledSSLExceptionRule | UnhandledSSLExceptionRule: Unhandled SSL exception |
High | User Controlled SQL Primary Key | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.UserControlledSQLPrimaryKey | UserControlledSQLPrimaryKey: Avoid using an user controlled Primary Key into a query |
High | Avoid Call Next In Has Next | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidCallNextInHasNext | AvoidCallNextInHasNext: Avoid calling next() in hasNext() |
High | Avoid Call Set Size Inside Component Resized | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidCallSetSizeInsideComponentResized | AvoidCallSetSizeInsideComponentResized: Avoid calling the setSize() from within componentResized() |
High | Avoid Empty Sentences Switch | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidEmptySentencesSwitch | AvoidEmptySentencesSwitch: Avoid empty switch statements |
High | Avoid Declare Method Read Object | OPT.JAVA.SERI.AvoidDeclareMethodReadObject | AvoidDeclareMethodReadObject: Avoid declaring the method readObject() as synchronized |
High | Avoid Serializable Classes | OPT.JAVA.SERI.AvoidSerializableClasses | AvoidSerializableClasses: Avoid non-serializable classes with inner classes serializable |
High | Always Use Ids As Bean Identifiers | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AlwaysUseIdsAsBeanIdentifiers | AlwaysUseIdsAsBeanIdentifiers: Use beans id attribute as beans identifiers |
High | Avoid Beans With The Same Id Across Diferent Descriptors | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidBeansWithTheSameIdAcrossDiferentDescriptors | AvoidBeansWithTheSameIdAcrossDiferentDescriptors: Ensure beans id attribute is unique across all the XML configuration files |
High | Avoid Hardcoding Null | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidHardcodingNull | AvoidHardcodingNull: Avoid initializing properties or parameters with a hardcoded null |
High | Avoid Retrieving More Than One Batch At Time | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidRetrievingMoreThanOneBatchAtTime | AvoidRetrievingMoreThanOneBatchAtTime: Avoid retrieving more than one batch of items at a time |
High | Avoid Using Default Package With Auto Scanning | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidUsingDefaultPackageWithAutoScanning | AvoidUsingDefaultPackageWithAutoScanning: Avoid using the default package when using the auto scan |
High | Avoid Wildcards When Loading Resource From Class Path | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidWildcardsWhenLoadingResourceFromClassPath | AvoidWildcardsWhenLoadingResourceFromClassPath: Avoid using the * wildcard when loading a resource from the classpath |
High | Enable Auto Configuration Annotation Must Be Unique | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.EnableAutoConfigurationAnnotationMustBeUnique | EnableAutoConfigurationAnnotationMustBeUnique: EnableAutoConfiguration annotation must be unique |
High | Refer Imported Resources To The Classpath | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.ReferImportedResourcesToTheClasspath | ReferImportedResourcesToTheClasspath: Refer imported resources to the classpath |
High | Use A Proper Base Package When Using Component Scanning | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseAProperBasePackageWhenUsingComponentScanning | UseAProperBasePackageWhenUsingComponentScanning: Use a proper base package when using component scanning |
High | Use A Top Package For Main Application Class | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseATopPackageForMainApplicationClass | UseATopPackageForMainApplicationClass: Main application class must belong to a root package |
High | Use Constructor Based Dependency Injection | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseConstructorBasedDependencyInjection | UseConstructorBasedDependencyInjection: Use constructor based dependency injection |
High | A C D O | OPT.JAVA.STR.ACDO | ACDO: Prevents the use of some ones of the String class constructors |
High | P C T S | OPT.JAVA.STR.PCTS | PCTS: Use charAt() instead of startsWith() for comparisons of one character |
High | S T OS | OPT.JAVA.STR.STOS | STOS: Avoid using toString method in a String |
High | Usb In Loop | OPT.JAVA.STR.UsbInLoop | UsbInLoop: Avoid using the concatenation operator of strings +{} |
High | U S C | OPT.JAVA.STR.USC | USC: Avoid using StringBuffer to store a String that is never modified |
High | Switch Fully Covers Enumeration | OPT.JAVA.SWITCH.SwitchFullyCoversEnumeration | SwitchFullyCoversEnumeration: Use a default statement and as many case statements as existing enumeration elements |
High | A N F | OPT.JAVA.TRS.ANF | ANF: Avoid using notify, use notifyAll()instead |
High | Avoid using variables of type java.lang.ThreadGroup | OPT.JAVA.TRS.AUTG | AUTG: Avoid using variables of type java.lang.ThreadGroup |
High | M R U N | OPT.JAVA.TRS.MRUN | MRUN: Give Thread subclasses a run() method |
High | N S M | OPT.JAVA.TRS.NSM | NSM: Avoid using synchronized modifier in the method declaration |
High | Avoid Ejs | OPT.JAVA.WEBS.AvoidEjs | AvoidEjs: Avoid using the package .* |
High | Avoid Ws | OPT.JAVA.WEBS.AvoidWs | AvoidWs: Avoid using Avoid using and packages |
High | Context Sensitive Data Is Kept Secure | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ContextSensitiveDataIsKeptSecure | ContextSensitiveDataIsKeptSecure: Avoid improper access to data created by the context |
High | N IP | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.NIP | NIP: Do not write IP address in source code |
High | Avoid Exposing All Endpointl Public Methods | OPT.JAVA.JAX.AvoidExposingAllEndpointlPublicMethods | AvoidExposingAllEndpointlPublicMethods: Specify an endpoint interface to avoid exposing all the public methods |
High | Information Exposure Through Error Message | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InformationExposureThroughErrorMessage | InformationExposureThroughErrorMessage: Avoid sensitive information exposure through error messages |
High | Packaged Private Key | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.PackagedPrivateKey | PackagedPrivateKey: Avoid package private key files |
High | Secure Random | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.SecureRandom | SecureRandom: Do not use SecureRandom with a fixed seed |
High | Hardcoded Salt Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.HardcodedSaltRule | HardcodedSaltRule: A hardcoded salt can compromise system security |
High | Inadequate Padding Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InadequatePaddingRule | InadequatePaddingRule: Inadequate padding |
High | Insecure Randomness Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InsecureRandomnessRule | InsecureRandomnessRule: Standard pseudo-random number generators cannot withstand cryptographic attacks |
High | Insecure Transport | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InsecureTransport | InsecureTransport: Insecure transport |
High | Insufficient Key Size Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InsufficientKeySizeRule | InsufficientKeySizeRule: Weak cryptography, insufficient key length |
Info | Dont Modify Access Security | OPT.JAVA.EJB.DontModifyAccessSecurity | DontModifyAccessSecurity: Do not access or modify configuration objects (Policy, Security, Provider, Principal, KeyStore) |
Info | Action names must end in Action | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.BNMC | BNMC: Action names must end in Action |
Info | Use a defined package for Actions | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.MAUB | MAUB: Use a defined package for Actions |
Info | Avoid Actions with a simple forward | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.OROP | OROP: Avoid Actions with a simple forward |
Info | Declare unique exception for Actions | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.THME | THME: Declare Action methods with a unique exception type thrown |
Info | Avoid Creating Unnecesary Objects | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AvoidCreatingUnnecesaryObjects | AvoidCreatingUnnecesaryObjects: Avoid creating string |
Info | Avoid Internal Getter Setter | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AvoidInternalGetterSetter | AvoidInternalGetterSetter: Avoid internal use of getter/setter |
Info | Private Inner Class Access | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.PrivateInnerClassAccess | PrivateInnerClassAccess: Consider package instead of private access with private inner classes |
Info | Use Value Of | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UseValueOf | UseValueOf: Avoid wrapper classes constructor calls |
Info | E Q U A L | OPT.JAVA.BEANS.EQUAL | EQUAL: Override Object.equals() method in JavaBean classes |
Info | Avoid Call To String | OPT.JAVA.CADCAR.AvoidCallToString | AvoidCallToString: Avoid calling toString () on String objects |
Info | M D J D T | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.MDJDT | MDJDT: Use the @deprecated tag in Javadoc comments for classes and interfaces |
Info | M J J D T | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.MJJDT | MJJDT: Use the @since tag in Javadoc comments for classes and interfaces |
Info | M S J D T | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.MSJDT | MSJDT: Use the @see tag in Javadoc comments for classes and interfaces |
Info | P J D C C4 | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.PJDCC4 | PJDCC4: Provide Javadoc comments for private classes and interfaces |
Info | M R D C2 | OPT.JAVA.CDM.MRDC2 | MRDC2: Use the @return tag in Javadoc comments for protected methods |
Info | M R D C4 | OPT.JAVA.CDM.MRDC4 | MRDC4: Use the @return tag in Javadoc comments for private methods |
Info | P A R A M2 | OPT.JAVA.CDM.PARAM2 | PARAM2: Use the @param tag in Javadoc comments for each parameter of protected methods |
Info | P A R A M4 | OPT.JAVA.CDM.PARAM4 | PARAM4: Use the @param tag in Javadoc comments for each parameter of private methods |
Info | T H R O W2 | OPT.JAVA.CDM.THROW2 | THROW2: Use the @throws or @exception tags in Javadoc comments of protected methods |
Info | T H R O W4 | OPT.JAVA.CDM.THROW4 | THROW4: Use the @throws or @exception tags in Javadoc comments of private methods |
Info | C R T E | OPT.JAVA.CFFEJB.CRTE | CRTE: Declare ejbCreate() methods public, but neither static nor final |
Info | F N D M | OPT.JAVA.CFFEJB.FNDM | FNDM: Declare finder methods public and neither final nor static |
Info | P C R T E | OPT.JAVA.CFFEJB.PCRTE | PCRTE: Declare public 'ejbPostCreate()' method, but never static nor final |
Info | A L B L | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.ALBL | ALBL: Justify the opening and closing braces in code blocks |
Info | E L E M | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.ELEM | ELEM: All elements (variables, methods and constructors) in a Java type should follow a naming standard |
Info | I F V | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.IFV | IFV: Use all uppercase letters for the names of fields in an interface |
Info | N N M A | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.NNMA | NNMA: Follow a naming standard for Java packages |
Info | Avoid Short If Else | OPT.JAVA.COND.AvoidShortIfElse | AvoidShortIfElse: Avoid using if else statements in short conditions |
Info | Avoid Unnecessary Constructor | OPT.JAVA.CONST.AvoidUnnecessaryConstructor | AvoidUnnecessaryConstructor: Avoid unnecessary constructors |
Info | Avoid Local Variables Differ Upper Lower Case | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidLocalVariablesDifferUpperLowerCase | AvoidLocalVariablesDifferUpperLowerCase: Avoid variable names that differ in only the case |
Info | Avoid Same Class Field Names | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidSameClassFieldNames | AvoidSameClassFieldNames: Avoid classes and fields with the same name |
Info | Avoid Short Class Names | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidShortClassNames | AvoidShortClassNames: Avoid class names that are less than 5 characters |
Info | Use Correct Format Inner Classes | OPT.JAVA.CONV.UseCorrectFormatInnerClasses | UseCorrectFormatInnerClasses: Avoid incorrect name format of inner classes |
Info | Use Is If Return Boolean | OPT.JAVA.CONV.UseIsIfReturnBoolean | UseIsIfReturnBoolean: Only add the prefix 'is' to a method name if it returns a Boolean |
Info | Avoid Declare Fields Only Null | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidDeclareFieldsOnlyNull | AvoidDeclareFieldsOnlyNull: Avoid declaring fields that are only ever null |
Info | Avoid Declare Method Final And Static | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidDeclareMethodFinalAndStatic | AvoidDeclareMethodFinalAndStatic: Do not declare static methods as final |
Info | Avoid Declare Method Private And Final | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidDeclareMethodPrivateAndFinal | AvoidDeclareMethodPrivateAndFinal: Avoid declaring private methods as final |
Info | Dont Extend Object | OPT.JAVA.DECL.DontExtendObject | DontExtendObject: Make sure that classes do not explicitly inherit 'java.lang.Object' |
Info | Signature Standard To String | OPT.JAVA.DECL.SignatureStandardToString | SignatureStandardToString: Always declare the toString() with the standard signature |
Info | C H A I N | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.CHAIN | CHAIN: With multiple (overloaded) constructors, use 'this' to call more generic constructors inside constructors |
Info | I Don't use masterpage files T2 | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.IMPT2 | IMPT2: Use wild cards when importing a class |
Info | Leave A White Space Between Arguments | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.LeaveAWhiteSpaceBetweenArguments | LeaveAWhiteSpaceBetweenArguments: Leave a white space between arguments |
Info | O C C | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.OCC | OCC: Checks code organization inside a .java file |
Info | Avoid Incorrect Format Of Final Fields | OPT.JAVA.DEN.AvoidIncorrectFormatOfFinalFields | AvoidIncorrectFormatOfFinalFields: Avoid incorrect name format in the final static fields |
Info | Avoid Incorrect Format Of Final Non Static Fields | OPT.JAVA.DEN.AvoidIncorrectFormatOfFinalNonStaticFields | AvoidIncorrectFormatOfFinalNonStaticFields: Avoid incorrect name format in static non-final fields |
Info | Avoid Incorrect Format Of Local Vars | OPT.JAVA.DEN.AvoidIncorrectFormatOfLocalVars | AvoidIncorrectFormatOfLocalVars: Avoid incorrect name format in local variables |
Info | Avoid Incorrect Format Of Non Static Fields | OPT.JAVA.DEN.AvoidIncorrectFormatOfNonStaticFields | AvoidIncorrectFormatOfNonStaticFields: Avoid incorrect name format in the non-static fields |
Info | Avoid Use Of Dollar In Names | OPT.JAVA.DEN.AvoidUseOfDollarInNames | AvoidUseOfDollarInNames: Avoid using dollar signs in the names of classes, methods or variables |
Info | Interfaces Start With Capital | OPT.JAVA.DEN.InterfacesStartWithCapital | InterfacesStartWithCapital: Always start an interface name with a capital letter |
Info | Method Not Start With Lowercase Or Under Score | OPT.JAVA.DEN.MethodNotStartWithLowercaseOrUnderScore | MethodNotStartWithLowercaseOrUnderScore: Always follow the java method naming conventions |
Info | Start Class Name Capital | OPT.JAVA.DEN.StartClassNameCapital | StartClassNameCapital: Always start a class name with a capital letter |
Info | Avoid Load Library EJB | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidLoadLibraryEJB | AvoidLoadLibraryEJB: Do not load native libraries in a class of Enterprise JavaBean |
Info | Declare Static Final Class EJB | OPT.JAVA.EJB.DeclareStaticFinalClassEJB | DeclareStaticFinalClassEJB: Always declare the EntityBeans static fields as final |
Info | Ejb Create Enterprise Java Bean | OPT.JAVA.EJB.EjbCreateEnterpriseJavaBean | EjbCreateEnterpriseJavaBean: Always implements at least one ejbCreate () method in a class of Enterprise JavaBean |
Info | Ejb Create No Parameter | OPT.JAVA.EJB.EjbCreateNoParameter | EjbCreateNoParameter: Do not have parameters for the method ejbCreate() of the MessageDrivenBean classes |
Info | Ejb Create Post Create | OPT.JAVA.EJB.EjbCreatePostCreate | EjbCreatePostCreate: EntityBeans should one ejbPostCreate() method per ejbCreate() method |
Info | Ejb Post Create Entity Bean | OPT.JAVA.EJB.EjbPostCreateEntityBean | EjbPostCreateEntityBean: EntityBeans must implement at least one method ejbPostCreate() |
Info | Method Void Ejb Create | OPT.JAVA.EJB.MethodVoidEjbCreate | MethodVoidEjbCreate: Avoid non-empty return type of the methods ejbCreate() in classes of SessionBean and MessageDrivenBean |
Info | Method Void Ejb Post Create | OPT.JAVA.EJB.MethodVoidEjbPostCreate | MethodVoidEjbPostCreate: Avoid non-empty return type of methods ejbPostCreate() in Enterprise JavaBean classes |
Info | Use Capitals For Final Fields | OPT.JAVA.EJB.UseCapitalsForFinalFields | UseCapitalsForFinalFields: Declare fields with names in capital letters as final |
Info | Define Classes Exceptions As Final | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.DefineClassesExceptionsAsFinal | DefineClassesExceptionsAsFinal: Always declare user-defined exceptions as final |
Info | L L | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.LL | LL: Too long code lines |
Info | N S A B | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.NSAB | NSAB: Do not place statements on the same line as {opening brace |
Info | S A O P | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.SAOP | SAOP: Enforce number of space character(s) on each side of an assignment operator using one only line |
Info | S C | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.SC | SC: Enforce number of space character(s) after the opening parenthesis '(' in a conditional statement |
Info | S M C | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.SMC | SMC: Place a single space character between a method name and the opening ( parenthesis |
Info | Avoid Extend Thread | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidExtendThread | AvoidExtendThread: Avoid extending java.lang.Thread |
Info | Avoid Link Operator Assign | OPT.JAVA.INIC.AvoidLinkOperatorAssign | AvoidLinkOperatorAssign: Avoid creating asignment chains |
Info | Avoid Get Context | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidGetContext | AvoidGetContext: Avoid calling |
Info | Avoid Get Security Manager | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidGetSecurityManager | AvoidGetSecurityManager: Avoid calling java.lang.System.getSecurityManager() |
Info | Javadoc Location | OPT.JAVA.JDOC.JavadocLocation | JavadocLocation: Avoid putting non-Javadoc comments between Javadoc and class / method declarations |
Info | Javadoc Param Rule | OPT.JAVA.JDOC.JavadocParamRule | JavadocParamRule: Always provide the tag @param in the correct order for public and protected methods |
Info | Javadoc Reg Exp Rule | OPT.JAVA.JDOC.JavadocRegExpRule | JavadocRegExpRule: Do not use the tag @exception in the JavaDoc comments for the exceptions thrown |
Info | Format Subclass Junit Test Case | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.FormatSubclassJunitTestCase | FormatSubclassJunitTestCase: Avoid incorrect name format Junit TestCase subclasses |
Info | Start Test Class Name Test Suite | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.StartTestClassNameTestSuite | StartTestClassNameTestSuite: Avoid incorrect name format TestSuite classes |
Info | Avoid Call Ceil With Int Converted To Double | OPT.JAVA.MAT.AvoidCallCeilWithIntConvertedToDouble | AvoidCallCeilWithIntConvertedToDouble: Avoid passing integer type to Math.ceil() / Math.floor() / Math.round() |
Info | Avoid Switch Case Break Without Comment | OPT.JAVA.PB.AvoidSwitchCaseBreakWithoutComment | AvoidSwitchCaseBreakWithoutComment: Check if there is a switch with a case without break and without comments |
Info | Comment Every Variable | OPT.JAVA.RGD.CommentEveryVariable | CommentEveryVariable: Comment every variable |
Info | P J D C F4 | OPT.JAVA.RGD.PJDCF4 | PJDCF4: Provide Javadoc comments for private fields |
Info | P J D C M2 | OPT.JAVA.RGD.PJDCM2 | PJDCM2: Provide Javadoc comments for protected methods |
Info | P J D C M4 | OPT.JAVA.RGD.PJDCM4 | PJDCM4: Provide Javadoc comments for private methods |
Info | Dont Use Servlets | OPT.JAVA.RGM.DontUseServlets | DontUseServlets: Do not use servlets |
Info | P F L | OPT.JAVA.RGM.PFL | PFL: Use for loops instead of while |
Info | S D I | OPT.JAVA.RGM.SDI | SDI: Use blank lines to separate import blocks |
Info | ESAPI Banned Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ESAPIBannedRule | ESAPIBannedRule: Avoid dangerous J2EE API, use replacements from security-focused libraries (like OWASP ESAPI) |
Info | Avoid Return Sentences Method Void | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidReturnSentencesMethodVoid | AvoidReturnSentencesMethodVoid: Avoid unnecessary return commands in void methods |
Info | Avoid Using Do While | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidUsingDoWhile | AvoidUsingDoWhile: Avoid using do-while statements |
Info | Version U I D Field | OPT.JAVA.SERI.serialVersionUIDField | serialVersionUIDField: Serializable classes should always have a final static serialVersionUID field |
Info | Use Package Declaration | OPT.JAVA.SWITCH.UsePackageDeclaration | UsePackageDeclaration: Always use a package declaration |
Info | Password In Comment Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PasswordInCommentRule | PasswordInCommentRule: Avoid hard-coded or in-comment passwords in code |
Low | Avoid Field Access Strategy | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidFieldAccessStrategy | AvoidFieldAccessStrategy: Use accessor methods (getter/setter) for property access |
Low | Collection Getter And Setter Must Return Same Object | OPT.HIBERNATE.CollectionGetterAndSetterMustReturnSameObject | CollectionGetterAndSetterMustReturnSameObject: Collection getter and setter must return same object |
Low | Declare Identifier Property | OPT.HIBERNATE.DeclareIdentifierProperty | DeclareIdentifierProperty: Declare identifier property/properties on persistent classes |
Low | Externalize Queries | OPT.HIBERNATE.ExternalizeQueries | ExternalizeQueries: Externalize query strings as named queries |
Low | Implement Equals Hash Code In Components | OPT.HIBERNATE.ImplementEqualsHashCodeInComponents | ImplementEqualsHashCodeInComponents: Implement equals() and hashCode() for components and composite elements |
Low | Select Before Update With Update Trigger | OPT.HIBERNATE.SelectBeforeUpdateWithUpdateTrigger | SelectBeforeUpdateWithUpdateTrigger: Check select-before-update attribute matches UPDATE trigger |
Low | Use Named Identifier | OPT.HIBERNATE.UseNamedIdentifier | UseNamedIdentifier: You should always specify a name attribute for identifiers in Hibernate |
Low | Use Proper Subclass Strategy | OPT.HIBERNATE.UseProperSubclassStrategy | UseProperSubclassStrategy: Use proper subclass strategy according to the number of subclass properties |
Low | Do not manually treat exceptions in Actions | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.AUTC | AUTC: Do not manually treat exceptions in Actions |
Low | Don't use public methods in Actions | OPT.JAVA.ACTIONS.NMTP | NMTP: Do not use public methods in Actions |
Low | Avoid Using Floating Point | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AvoidUsingFloatingPoint | AvoidUsingFloatingPoint: Avoid Using Floating-Point |
Low | Keep XML Layout Hierarchy Flat | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.KeepXMLLayoutHierarchyFlat | KeepXMLLayoutHierarchyFlat: Check the depth of the layout |
Low | Suspicious Import | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.SuspiciousImport | SuspiciousImport: Check android.R package is used |
Low | Use Enhanced For Loop | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UseEnhancedForLoop | UseEnhancedForLoop: Consider using enhanced for-each loop |
Low | Use Primitive For Numbers | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UsePrimitiveForNumbers | UsePrimitiveForNumbers: Use primitive types instead of Number objects |
Low | Use Sparse Arrays | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.UseSparseArrays | UseSparseArrays: Use SparseArray instead of a Map with Integer keys |
Low | Avoid Cyclic Dependencies Between Packages | OPT.JAVA.AvoidCyclicDependenciesBetweenPackages | AvoidCyclicDependenciesBetweenPackages: Avoid cyclic dependencies between packages |
Low | Avoid Assign In While | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidAssignInWhile | AvoidAssignInWhile: Avoid assignments in while / do-while loop condition |
Low | Avoid Call Loop | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidCallLoop | AvoidCallLoop: Avoid the invocations of method within conditional loop statements |
Low | Avoid Continue | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidContinue | AvoidContinue: Avoid using the command continue |
Low | Avoid List Contains | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidListContains | AvoidListContains: Avoid calling contains inside a loop |
Low | Avoid Call Objects Sub String | OPT.JAVA.CADCAR.AvoidCallObjectsSubString | AvoidCallObjectsSubString: Avoid calling substring(0) on a String object |
Low | Avoid Check Index Of Positive | OPT.JAVA.CADCAR.AvoidCheckIndexOfPositive | AvoidCheckIndexOfPositive: Avoid checking if String.IndexOf() is a positive value |
Low | Avoid Concat String | OPT.JAVA.CADCAR.AvoidConcatString | AvoidConcatString: Declare a non-constant string as a StringBuffer |
Low | M A J D T | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.MAJDT | MAJDT: Use the @author tag in Javadoc comments for classes and interfaces |
Low | M V J D T | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.MVJDT | MVJDT: Use the @version tag in Javadoc comments for classes and interfaces |
Low | P J D C C2 | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.PJDCC2 | PJDCC2: Provide Javadoc comments for protected classes and interfaces |
Low | M R D C | OPT.JAVA.CDM.MRDC | MRDC: Use the @return tag in Javadoc comments for public methods |
Low | T S M J T | OPT.JAVA.CDM.TSMJT | TSMJT: Provide Javadoc comment for toString() methods |
Low | V M C R | OPT.JAVA.CDM.VMCR | VMCR: Avoid the @return Javadoc tag in void methods |
Low | B M S S | OPT.JAVA.CFFEJB.BMSS | BMSS: Serialization of fields of a 'Bean' class |
Low | Declare Public Clone | OPT.JAVA.CLON.DeclarePublicClone | DeclarePublicClone: Always declare clone() as public |
Low | T R E T | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.TRET | TRET: Follow the limit for number of return statements |
Low | C V N | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.CVN | CVN: Requires that Variable names of one character must be only used for their conventional use |
Low | G E T B | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.GETB | GETB: Requires that boolean getter methods names start with 'is', 'can', 'has', or 'have' |
Low | L C I N | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.LCIN | LCIN: Avoid class or interface names too long |
Low | N U P R | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.NUPR | NUPR: Do not use reserved words inside Java identifiers |
Low | S E T A | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.SETA | SETA: Setter methods convention |
Low | U S F | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.USF | USF: Avoid lowercase in static and final field names |
Low | D I L | OPT.JAVA.CNU.DIL | DIL: Do not explicity import the java.lang.* package |
Low | Avoid Declare Many Constructors | OPT.JAVA.COMPJ.AvoidDeclareManyConstructors | AvoidDeclareManyConstructors: Avoid declaring too many constructors |
Low | Avoid Null Pointer | OPT.JAVA.COND.AvoidNullPointer | AvoidNullPointer: If/else can generate NullPointerExceptions |
Low | Protected Constructor In Abstract Class | OPT.JAVA.CONST.ProtectedConstructorInAbstractClass | ProtectedConstructorInAbstractClass: Only declare 'protected' constructors for abstract classes |
Low | Avoid Method Name Differ Upper Lower Case | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidMethodNameDifferUpperLowerCase | AvoidMethodNameDifferUpperLowerCase: Avoid method names that differ only in the case |
Low | Array List Instead Of Vector | OPT.JAVA.DECL.ArrayListInsteadOfVector | ArrayListInsteadOfVector: Always use ArrayList instead of Vector |
Low | Avoid Empty Classes | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidEmptyClasses | AvoidEmptyClasses: Avoid empty classes or intefaces |
Low | Avoid Implement Protected Final Class | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidImplementProtectedFinalClass | AvoidImplementProtectedFinalClass: Avoid implementing protected fields in a final class |
Low | Avoid Use Class Interface Or Abstract | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidUseClassInterfaceOrAbstract | AvoidUseClassInterfaceOrAbstract: Avoid using abstract classes or interfaces in order to declare common constants |
Low | Avoid Use Static No Final | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidUseStaticNoFinal | AvoidUseStaticNoFinal: Avoid non-final static fields during initialisation |
Low | Avoid Using Same Variable Names | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidUsingSameVariableNames | AvoidUsingSameVariableNames: Avoid using variables with the same name |
Low | L In Long Object Value | OPT.JAVA.DECL.LInLongObjectValue | LInLongObjectValue: Always add a suffix to numeric literals in upper case (L instead of l) |
Low | A S I | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.ASI | ASI: Make methods static if they do not use instance class members |
Low | C C P A | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.CCPA | CCPA: Each public class must be declared in a separate file |
Low | C L S | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.CLS | CLS: Define constants on the left side of comparisons |
Low | C R S | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.CRS | CRS: Place constants on the right side of comparisons |
Low | Define Every Variable In A Line | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.DefineEveryVariableInALine | DefineEveryVariableInALine: Define every variable in a line |
Low | Define Privacy Fields | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.DefinePrivacyFields | DefinePrivacyFields: Define every field private or protected |
Low | I S A C F | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.ISACF | ISACF: Avoid interfaces that only define constants |
Low | Separate Declarations And Statements | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.SeparateDeclarationsAndStatements | SeparateDeclarationsAndStatements: Separate declarations and statements |
Low | U C D C | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.UCDC | UCDC: Provide a by default private constructor in utility classes |
Low | Avoid Incorrect Format Of Non Static Methods | OPT.JAVA.DEN.AvoidIncorrectFormatOfNonStaticMethods | AvoidIncorrectFormatOfNonStaticMethods: Avoid the incorrect naming of non-static methods |
Low | Declare Bean Class Public | OPT.JAVA.EJB.DeclareBeanClassPublic | DeclareBeanClassPublic: Always declare bean classes as public |
Low | Declare Method Ejb Find Public | OPT.JAVA.EJB.DeclareMethodEjbFindPublic | DeclareMethodEjbFindPublic: Always declare ejbFindXX methods as public, non static and non final |
Low | Avoid Text Field | OPT.JAVA.ESPUI.AvoidTextField | AvoidTextField: Avoid using java.awt.TextField |
Low | Avoid Block Catch Return | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidBlockCatchReturn | AvoidBlockCatchReturn: Do not use return statements inside catch blocks |
Low | Avoid Excp Catch | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidExcpCatch | AvoidExcpCatch: Do not note an exception or throw an exception in a catch block |
Low | Avoid Excp Exception | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidExcpException | AvoidExcpException: Avoid capturing java.lang.Exception exceptions |
Low | Avoid New Error | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidNewError | AvoidNewError: Avoid creating new instances of java.lang.Error |
Low | Next Emit No Such Element Exception | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.NextEmitNoSuchElementException | NextEmitNoSuchElementException: Always make sure that the method 'next()' in an Iterator class can be cast java.util.NoSuchElementException |
Low | Avoid Unnecessary Finalize | OPT.JAVA.FIN.AvoidUnnecessaryFinalize | AvoidUnnecessaryFinalize: Avoid unnecessary finalize() method |
Low | A I O C | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.AIOC | AIOC: Do not use instanceof to distinguish between exceptions |
Low | D E E M | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.DEEM | DEEM: Leave at least a blank line between methods |
Low | M I N D | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.MIND | MIND: Indent code properly |
Low | N C E | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.NCE | NCE: Avoid Exception, RuntimeException o Throwable in catch or throw statements |
Low | OS P L | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.OSPL | OSPL: Write one statement per line |
Low | S B R | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.SBR | SBR: Simplify code returning boolean |
Low | U P | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.UP | UP: Avoid unnecessary parenthesis in return statements |
Low | Avoid Call Interrupted Run | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidCallInterruptedRun | AvoidCallInterruptedRun: Avoid calling Thread.currentThread().interrupted() on the run() method of a thread |
Low | C S I | OPT.JAVA.INICIA.CSI | CSI: Use constructors than initialize all the fields in a class |
Low | Avoid Too Long Resource Names | OPT.JAVA.JAX.AvoidTooLongResourceNames | AvoidTooLongResourceNames: Avoid using too long resource names |
Low | Tear Down J Unit | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.TearDownJUnit | TearDownJUnit: Always overwrite the tearDown() method in a JUnit test case |
Low | Avoid Call Next Double | OPT.JAVA.MAT.AvoidCallNextDouble | AvoidCallNextDouble: Avoid invoking nextDouble() to generate a random int |
Low | Parent Class Doesnot Reference Child Classes | OPT.JAVA.ParentClassDoesnotReferenceChildClasses | ParentClassDoesnotReferenceChildClasses: Parent class does not reference any of its child classes |
Low | A D E | OPT.JAVA.PB.ADE | ADE: Avoid dangling else statements |
Low | Avoid Complex If | OPT.JAVA.PB.AvoidComplexIf | AvoidComplexIf: Avoid complex condition in the If statements |
Low | A C E C | OPT.JAVA.RGD.ACEC | ACEC: Avoid special characters in comments |
Low | Leave A White Line Before A Comment Line | OPT.JAVA.RGD.LeaveAWhiteLineBeforeACommentLine | LeaveAWhiteLineBeforeACommentLine: Leave a white line before a comment line |
Low | P J D C F2 | OPT.JAVA.RGD.PJDCF2 | PJDCF2: Provide Javadoc comments for protected fields |
Low | P J D C M | OPT.JAVA.RGD.PJDCM | PJDCM: Provide Javadoc comments for public methods in Java classes (non-interface) |
Low | P J D C M Interface | OPT.JAVA.RGD.PJDCMInterface | PJDCMInterface: Provide Javadoc comments for public methods in Java interfaces |
Low | B L K E L S E | OPT.JAVA.RGM.BLKELSE | BLKELSE: Use a branches block for 'else' statements |
Low | B L K I F | OPT.JAVA.RGM.BLKIF | BLKIF: Provide a branch block for 'if' statements |
Low | Dont Set In Session | OPT.JAVA.RGM.DontSetInSession | DontSetInSession: Do not place objects in session scope |
Low | Use Session From Restricted Packages | OPT.JAVA.RGM.UseSessionFromRestrictedPackages | UseSessionFromRestrictedPackages: Access session objects only from classes in certain packages |
Low | U E Q | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.UEQ | UEQ: Avoid comparing boolean variables with true |
Low | Transient fields in Serializable classes2 | OPT.JAVA.RGS.SER2 | SER2: Do not use interfaces that extends the interface |
Low | Improper Validation Of Array Index | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ImproperValidationOfArrayIndex | ImproperValidationOfArrayIndex: Array index coming from a non neutralized vulnerable input |
Low | Avoid Assign Same Variable | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidAssignSameVariable | AvoidAssignSameVariable: Avoid assigning a variable to itself |
Low | Avoid Return Null | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidReturnNull | AvoidReturnNull: Avoid returning null in a method declaration |
Low | Avoid Transient Fileds | OPT.JAVA.SERI.AvoidTransientFileds | AvoidTransientFileds: Do not declare fields as transient in non-serializable classes |
Low | Implement Comparable With Serializable | OPT.JAVA.SERI.ImplementComparableWithSerializable | ImplementComparableWithSerializable: Always implement if implementing java.lang.Comparable |
Low | Add Comments To Configuration Files | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AddCommentsToConfigurationFiles | AddCommentsToConfigurationFiles: Add comments to the XML configuration files |
Low | Use Rest Controller Convenience Annotation | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseRestControllerConvenienceAnnotation | UseRestControllerConvenienceAnnotation: Use @RestController annotation in REST applications |
Low | Use Spring Boot Application Convenience Annotation | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseSpringBootApplicationConvenienceAnnotation | UseSpringBootApplicationConvenienceAnnotation: Use @SpringBootApplication annotation |
Low | Avoid New String | OPT.JAVA.STR.AvoidNewString | AvoidNewString: Avoid using the 'new' operator to create Strings of literals |
Low | Do not compare class objects with getName() or getSimpleName() methods C H | OPT.JAVA.STR.CMPCH | CMPCH: Do not use strings to compare characters |
Low | Avoid Short Switch | OPT.JAVA.SWITCH.AvoidShortSwitch | AvoidShortSwitch: Avoid switch statements with few branches, instead use if-else |
Low | Avoid Declare Variable Inside Loop | OPT.JAVA.VELOC.AvoidDeclareVariableInsideLoop | AvoidDeclareVariableInsideLoop: Avoid creating or assigning a variable within a loop |
Low | Avoid New Object Get Class | OPT.JAVA.VELOC.AvoidNewObjectGetClass | AvoidNewObjectGetClass: Avoid creating a new object with the objective of invoking getClass() on it |
Low | Information Exposure Through Debug Log | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InformationExposureThroughDebugLog | InformationExposureThroughDebugLog: Avoid exposing sensible information through log |
Medium | Limit Accessibility Of Sensitive Content Provider | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.LimitAccessibilityOfSensitiveContentProvider | LimitAccessibilityOfSensitiveContentProvider: Limit the accessibility of a app's sensitive ContentProvider |
Medium | Secure Resources Properly | OPT.JAVA.JAX.SecureResourcesProperly | SecureResourcesProperly: Use annotations to secure resources properly |
Medium | Use HTTP Method Annotation | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseHTTPMethodAnnotation | UseHTTPMethodAnnotation: Use a proper annotation to indicate the HTTP request methods accepted |
Medium | Use Secured Transport Layer | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseSecuredTransportLayer | UseSecuredTransportLayer: Avoid using HTTP instead of HTTPS |
Medium | Plaintext Storage In A Cookie Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PlaintextStorageInACookieRule | PlaintextStorageInACookieRule: Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information in a Cookie |
Medium | Unsafe Cookie Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.UnsafeCookieRule | UnsafeCookieRule: Generate server-side cookies with adequate security properties |
Medium | Exported Activity | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ExportedActivity | ExportedActivity: Exported activity must require permissions |
Medium | Exported Preference Activity | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ExportedPreferenceActivity | ExportedPreferenceActivity: Activities extending PreferenceActivity should not be exported |
Medium | Exported Provider | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ExportedProvider | ExportedProvider: Exported providers must require permissions |
Medium | Exported Receiver | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ExportedReceiver | ExportedReceiver: Exported receivers must require permissions |
Medium | Exported Service | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ExportedService | ExportedService: Exported services must require permissions |
Medium | Avoid Host Name Checks Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidHostNameChecksRule | AvoidHostNameChecksRule: Avoid checks on client-side hostname, that are not reliable due to DNS poisoning |
Medium | Avoid Cartesian Product | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidCartesianProduct | AvoidCartesianProduct: Avoid unaware cartessian products in HQL and native SQL queries |
Medium | Avoid Many To Many Associations | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidManyToManyAssociations | AvoidManyToManyAssociations: Avoid many-to-many associations |
Medium | Avoid Non Lazy Collections | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidNonLazyCollections | AvoidNonLazyCollections: Avoid non-lazy persistent collections |
Medium | Avoid Problematic Flush Mode | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidProblematicFlushMode | AvoidProblematicFlushMode: Avoid setting FlushMode that could produce stale data issues |
Medium | Avoid Using HQL | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidUsingHQL | AvoidUsingHQL: Avoid using HQL in mapping descriptors and in code |
Medium | Avoid Using Native SQL | OPT.HIBERNATE.AvoidUsingNativeSQL | AvoidUsingNativeSQL: Avoid using native SQL in mapping descriptors and in code |
Medium | Cross Site History Manipulation | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.CrossSiteHistoryManipulation | CrossSiteHistoryManipulation: Cross-Site History Manipulation (XSHM) |
Medium | Configure Connection Pool | OPT.HIBERNATE.ConfigureConnectionPool | ConfigureConnectionPool: Configure Hibernate with an explicit connection pool |
Medium | Never Use Persistent Arrays | OPT.HIBERNATE.NeverUsePersistentArrays | NeverUsePersistentArrays: Never use persistent arrays |
Medium | One Class Per Mapping File | OPT.HIBERNATE.OneClassPerMappingFile | OneClassPerMappingFile: Use one mapping file per persistent class |
Medium | Only Use Hibernate For Database Access | OPT.HIBERNATE.OnlyUseHibernateForDatabaseAccess | OnlyUseHibernateForDatabaseAccess: Only use Hibernate/JPA for database access |
Medium | Override Equals Hashcode In Composites | OPT.HIBERNATE.OverrideEqualsHashcodeInComposites | OverrideEqualsHashcodeInComposites: Every class implementing a composite-* element should override equals() and hashCode() |
Medium | Proper Equals Hashcode Policy | OPT.HIBERNATE.ProperEqualsHashcodePolicy | ProperEqualsHashcodePolicy: Use the proper policy when implementing equals() and hashCode() in persistent entities |
Medium | Separation Of Concerns | OPT.HIBERNATE.SeparationOfConcerns | SeparationOfConcerns: Avoid domain entities using J2EE APIs |
Medium | Use Interface For Collection Property | OPT.HIBERNATE.UseInterfaceForCollectionProperty | UseInterfaceForCollectionProperty: Use interface for collection-valued properties |
Medium | Use Non Final Persistent Classes | OPT.HIBERNATE.UseNonFinalPersistentClasses | UseNonFinalPersistentClasses: Avoid 'final' persistent classes |
Medium | Use Nullable Type For Identifier | OPT.HIBERNATE.UseNullableTypeForIdentifier | UseNullableTypeForIdentifier: Use a nullable (non-primitive) type for identifier fields in persistent classes |
Medium | Use Version Instead Of Timestamp | OPT.HIBERNATE.UseVersionInsteadOfTimestamp | UseVersionInsteadOfTimestamp: Use version instead of timestamp |
Medium | Avoid Absolute Layout | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AvoidAbsoluteLayout | AvoidAbsoluteLayout: Avoid using AbsoluteLayout |
Medium | Avoid Calls After Recycle Call | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.AvoidCallsAfterRecycleCall | AvoidCallsAfterRecycleCall: Do not call a recycled resource |
Medium | Check External Storage Permission | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.CheckExternalStoragePermission | CheckExternalStoragePermission: Check permission usage conformance (External Storage Permission) |
Medium | Check Internet Permission | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.CheckInternetPermission | CheckInternetPermission: Check permission usage conformance (Internet Permission) |
Medium | Check Location Permission | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.CheckLocationPermission | CheckLocationPermission: Check permission usage conformance (Location Permission) |
Medium | Complete Transaction With Commit | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.CompleteTransactionWithCommit | CompleteTransactionWithCommit: Transactions have to be completed calling commit () method |
Medium | Format String Injection Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.FormatStringInjectionRule | FormatStringInjectionRule: Exclude unsanitized user input from format strings |
Medium | Do Not Log Sensitive Information | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DoNotLogSensitiveInformation | DoNotLogSensitiveInformation: Avoid unsafe log access |
Medium | Dont Use Multidimensional List | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.DontUseMultidimensionalList | DontUseMultidimensionalList: Avoid using multidimensional arrays or nested lists |
Medium | Input Path Not Canonicalized Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.InputPathNotCanonicalizedRule | InputPathNotCanonicalizedRule: Incorrect Behavior Order: Validate Before Canonicalize |
Medium | Missing Recycle Calls | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.MissingRecycleCalls | MissingRecycleCalls: Resources must be recycled after using them |
Medium | On Click Method Does Not Exist | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.OnClickMethodDoesNotExist | OnClickMethodDoesNotExist: onClick method must exists |
Medium | Request Parameters In Session Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.RequestParametersInSessionRule | RequestParametersInSessionRule: Request parameters should not be passed into Session without sanitizing |
Medium | View Holder | OPT.JAVA.ANDROID.ViewHolder | ViewHolder: Avoid inflate a new layout when implementing a view Adapter |
Medium | A Package Does Not Depend On Less Stable Packages | OPT.JAVA.APackageDoesNotDependOnLessStablePackages | APackageDoesNotDependOnLessStablePackages: A package does not depend on less stable packages |
Medium | Do Not Return Store Mutable Members | OPT.JAVA.DoNotReturnStoreMutableMembers | DoNotReturnStoreMutableMembers: Do not directly return or store references to mutable members |
Medium | Avoid Peer Interface | OPT.JAVA.AWT.AvoidPeerInterface | AvoidPeerInterface: Avoid using java.awt.peer interfaces directly |
Medium | P P B | OPT.JAVA.BEANS.PPB | PPB: Avoid passing presentation layer objects to beans |
Medium | Avoid Enums In While | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidEnumsInWhile | AvoidEnumsInWhile: Avoid using the enumerator for loop control |
Medium | Avoid For Without Ini Incr | OPT.JAVA.BUC.AvoidForWithoutIniIncr | AvoidForWithoutIniIncr: Avoid loops without an initiator and an increase |
Medium | Avoid Array To String | OPT.JAVA.CADCAR.AvoidArrayToString | AvoidArrayToString: Avoid calling toString() on an array |
Medium | N C C A | OPT.JAVA.CDCI.NCCA | NCCA: Old commented code |
Medium | P A R A M | OPT.JAVA.CDM.PARAM | PARAM: Use the @param tag in Javadoc comments for each parameter of public methods |
Medium | T H R O W | OPT.JAVA.CDM.THROW | THROW: Use the @throws or @exception tags in Javadoc comments of public methods |
Medium | Use Set Rollback Only | OPT.JAVA.CFFEJB.UseSetRollbackOnly | UseSetRollbackOnly: Call setRollbackOnly() if a method in a bean throws an application exception |
Medium | Classes Are Strongly Internally Coupled | OPT.JAVA.ClassesAreStronglyInternallyCoupled | ClassesAreStronglyInternallyCoupled: Classes internally strongly coupled must be avoided |
Medium | Class Hierarchies Are Not Too Deep | OPT.JAVA.ClassHierarchiesAreNotTooDeep | ClassHierarchiesAreNotTooDeep: Avoid too deep hierarchy classes |
Medium | Avoid Overload Clone | OPT.JAVA.CLON.AvoidOverloadClone | AvoidOverloadClone: Avoid overloading the clone method |
Medium | Implement Cloneable Alter Clone | OPT.JAVA.CLON.ImplementCloneableAlterClone | ImplementCloneableAlterClone: Implement java.lang.Cloneable when overwriting clone() method |
Medium | Signature Standard Clone | OPT.JAVA.CLON.SignatureStandardClone | SignatureStandardClone: Always use the standard signature for clone methods |
Medium | N P R I F | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NPRIF | NPRIF: Maximum allowed number of private fields |
Medium | N P R I M | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NPRIM | NPRIM: Maximum allowed number of private methods |
Medium | N P R O F | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NPROF | NPROF: Maximum allowed number of protected fields |
Medium | N P R O M | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NPROM | NPROM: Maximum allowed number of protected methods |
Medium | N P U B F | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NPUBF | NPUBF: Maximum allowed number of public fields |
Medium | N P U B M | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.NPUBM | NPUBM: Maximum allowed number of public methods |
Medium | S T M T | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.STMT | STMT: Follow the limit for number of statements in a method |
Medium | T N L M | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.TNLM | TNLM: Follow the limit for number of lines in a method |
Medium | T N M C | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.TNMC | TNMC: Counts the number of method calls |
Medium | T N O P | OPT.JAVA.CMETRICS.TNOP | TNOP: Avoid methods with too many parameters |
Medium | G E T A | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.GETA | GETA: Getter methods conventions |
Medium | I R B | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.IRB | IRB: Use is... only for naming methods that return a boolean |
Medium | N A R G S | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.NARGS | NARGS: Use a naming convention for arguments |
Medium | N C L | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.NCL | NCL: Naming convention for class names |
Medium | N E | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.NE | NE: Naming convention for class exceptions |
Medium | N M | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.NM | NM: Follow a naming standard for methods |
Medium | Inner classes should be protected or private | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.PKG | PKG: Use all lowercase letters for package names |
Medium | R Inner classes should be protected or private | OPT.JAVA.CNOM.RPKG | RPKG: Avoid using the package name that is reserverd by Sun |
Medium | D I C | OPT.JAVA.COL.DIC | DIC: Define initial capacities for ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet, Hashtable, Vector and WeakHashMap |
Medium | M C S | OPT.JAVA.COL.MCS | MCS: Minimize using syncrohized collections: detect use of synchronized collectiorns (Vector, Hashtable) and indicate it |
Medium | M C S C | OPT.JAVA.COL.MCSC | MCSC: Do not make an excessive use of synchronized collections: detect use of Collections.syncronizedCollection() and derivate collections |
Medium | Avoid Bit To Bit Comparisons | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidBitToBitComparisons | AvoidBitToBitComparisons: Avoid using bitwise operators to make comparisons |
Medium | Avoid Comp Byte Max Value Min Value | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidCompByteMaxValueMinValue | AvoidCompByteMaxValueMinValue: Avoid the comparisons of byte data with Byte.MIN_VALUE and Byte.MAX_VALUE because they always return the same result |
Medium | Avoid Comp Character Max Value Min Value | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidCompCharacterMaxValueMinValue | AvoidCompCharacterMaxValueMinValue: Avoid comparisons between Character.MIN_VALUE and Character.MAX_VALUE, because they always return the same result |
Medium | Avoid Comp Double Max Value Min Value | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidCompDoubleMaxValueMinValue | AvoidCompDoubleMaxValueMinValue: Avoid comparing double with Double.MAX_VALUE and Double.MIN_VALUE. These comparisons will always return the same value |
Medium | Avoid Comp Float Max Value Min Value | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidCompFloatMaxValueMinValue | AvoidCompFloatMaxValueMinValue: Avoid comparing Float.MAX_VALUE and Double.MIN_VALUE. These comparisons will always return the same value |
Medium | Avoid Comp Integer Max Value Min Value | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidCompIntegerMaxValueMinValue | AvoidCompIntegerMaxValueMinValue: Avoid the comparisons of Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE because they always return the same result |
Medium | Avoid Comp Long Max Value Min Value | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidCompLongMaxValueMinValue | AvoidCompLongMaxValueMinValue: Avoid comparisons with Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE, because they always return the same result |
Medium | Avoid Comp Short Max Value Min Value | OPT.JAVA.COMP.AvoidCompShortMaxValueMinValue | AvoidCompShortMaxValueMinValue: Avoid comparing short with Short.MAX_VALUE and Short.MIN_VALUE. These comparisons will always return the same value |
Medium | Dont Compare One Self | OPT.JAVA.COMP.DontCompareOneSelf | DontCompareOneSelf: Avoid comparing a variable with itself |
Medium | Avoid Excessively Bracketed Loops | OPT.JAVA.COMPJ.AvoidExcessivelyBracketedLoops | AvoidExcessivelyBracketedLoops: Avoid nesting more than three loops |
Medium | Avoidt Nest Try Catch | OPT.JAVA.COMPJ.AvoidtNestTryCatch | AvoidtNestTryCatch: Avoid nesting more than 1 try / catch |
Medium | Components Are Not Calling Too Many Other Components | OPT.JAVA.ComponentsAreNotCallingTooManyOtherComponents | ComponentsAreNotCallingTooManyOtherComponents: Avoid using components calling too many other components |
Medium | Avoid Asignments Within I F | OPT.JAVA.COND.AvoidAsignmentsWithinIF | AvoidAsignmentsWithinIF: Avoid assignments inside conditional expressions |
Medium | Private Constructor Utility Program | OPT.JAVA.CONST.PrivateConstructorUtilityProgram | PrivateConstructorUtilityProgram: Only declare 'private' constructors for a class of a utility program |
Medium | Avoid Field Variables Differ Upper Lower Case | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidFieldVariablesDifferUpperLowerCase | AvoidFieldVariablesDifferUpperLowerCase: Avoid field names that differ only in case |
Medium | Avoid Import Class Local Package | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidImportClassLocalPackage | AvoidImportClassLocalPackage: Avoid importing classes from the local package |
Medium | Avoid Parameter Differ Upper Lower Case | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidParameterDifferUpperLowerCase | AvoidParameterDifferUpperLowerCase: Avoid parameters that only differ in case |
Medium | Avoid Same Method Field Names | OPT.JAVA.CONV.AvoidSameMethodFieldNames | AvoidSameMethodFieldNames: Avoid fields and methods with the same name |
Medium | Collection Type Verification | OPT.JAVA.CONV.CollectionTypeVerification | CollectionTypeVerification: Always test the type of object when it is converted to an abstract collection |
Medium | Object Type Verification | OPT.JAVA.CONV.ObjectTypeVerification | ObjectTypeVerification: Always check object type before cast |
Medium | Avoid Declare Field Used In Only One Method | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidDeclareFieldUsedInOnlyOneMethod | AvoidDeclareFieldUsedInOnlyOneMethod: Do not declare private fields that are used in only one method |
Medium | Avoid Final Static Public Matrix Field | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidFinalStaticPublicMatrixField | AvoidFinalStaticPublicMatrixField: Avoid using a public static final field of type Matrix |
Medium | Avoid Local Variable Similar Name | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidLocalVariableSimilarName | AvoidLocalVariableSimilarName: Avoid local variables with similar names |
Medium | Avoid New Boolean | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidNewBoolean | AvoidNewBoolean: Avoid creating Boolean objects using “new Boolean()᾿ |
Medium | Avoid Num Literals | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidNumLiterals | AvoidNumLiterals: Avoid using numeric literals |
Medium | Avoid Use Literal | OPT.JAVA.DECL.AvoidUseLiteral | AvoidUseLiteral: Avoid using explicit string literals, but instead, declare constants |
Medium | Private Constructor In Final Class | OPT.JAVA.DECL.PrivateConstructorInFinalClass | PrivateConstructorInFinalClass: Declare classes where all constructors are private as 'final' |
Medium | A U V T | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.AUVT | AUVT: Declare the List and Set variables with their interface type |
Medium | D C I | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.DCI | DCI: Define public constants in an interface |
Medium | D C T O R | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.DCTOR | DCTOR: Define a default constructor whenever possible |
Medium | I Don't use masterpage files T | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.IMPT | IMPT: Avoid usage of * in import statements |
Medium | M V OS | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.MVOS | MVOS: Avoid declaring multiple variables in one statement |
Medium | N T X | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.NTX | NTX: Avoid throwing 'Exception'. Always use a proper Exception subclass |
Medium | Not Define Object Variables | OPT.JAVA.DECLARA.NotDefineObjectVariables | NotDefineObjectVariables: Do not define 'Object' variables |
Medium | Avoid Abstract Class Ejb | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidAbstractClassEjb | AvoidAbstractClassEjb: Do not declare abstract EJBs |
Medium | Avoid Create Exception | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidCreateException | AvoidCreateException: Always launch 'javax.ejb.CreateException' for creation methods of the remote and local interfaces |
Medium | Avoid Final Class Ejb | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidFinalClassEjb | AvoidFinalClassEjb: Do not declare EJBs as final |
Medium | Avoid Finder Exception | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidFinderException | AvoidFinderException: Always throw a 'javax.ejb.FinderException' for the finder methods of the remote and local interfaces |
Medium | Avoid Return This Class Ejb | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidReturnThisClassEjb | AvoidReturnThisClassEjb: Avoid returning 'this' from the methods of the Enterprise JavaBean classes |
Medium | Avoid Using Thread | OPT.JAVA.EJB.AvoidUsingThread | AvoidUsingThread: Do not start, stop or manage objects in a EntityBeans java.lang.Thread |
Medium | Declareejb Post Create Public | OPT.JAVA.EJB.DeclareejbPostCreatePublic | DeclareejbPostCreatePublic: Always declare ejbPostCreate() public |
Medium | Unnormalized Input String | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.UnnormalizedInputString | UnnormalizedInputString: Always normalize system inputs |
Medium | Dont Pass This As Arg | OPT.JAVA.EJB.DontPassThisAsArg | DontPassThisAsArg: Do not pass 'this' as an argument |
Medium | Ejb Create Message Driven Bean | OPT.JAVA.EJB.EjbCreateMessageDrivenBean | EjbCreateMessageDrivenBean: Always implement the least one ejbCreate() method in a class of MessageDrivenBean |
Medium | Avoid Text Area | OPT.JAVA.ESPUI.AvoidTextArea | AvoidTextArea: Avoid using java.awt.TextArea |
Medium | Avoid Empty Finally Blocks | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidEmptyFinallyBlocks | AvoidEmptyFinallyBlocks: Avoid empty final blocks |
Medium | Avoid Empty Try Blocks | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidEmptyTryBlocks | AvoidEmptyTryBlocks: Avoid empty try blocks |
Medium | Avoid Excp Error | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidExcpError | AvoidExcpError: Avoid java.lang.Error catch exceptions |
Medium | Avoid Illegal Monitor State Excp | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidIllegalMonitorStateExcp | AvoidIllegalMonitorStateExcp: Avoid capturing java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException |
Medium | Avoid New Exception | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidNewException | AvoidNewException: Avoid creating new instances of java.lang.Exception |
Medium | Avoid Object Throwable | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.AvoidObjectThrowable | AvoidObjectThrowable: Avoid capturing Throwable objects |
Medium | Exceptions In Throws | OPT.JAVA.EXCP.ExceptionsInThrows | ExceptionsInThrows: Always use specific exceptions in the throws clause |
Medium | A M C | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.AMC | AMC: Avoid multiple comparisons within if |
Medium | D U N | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.DUN | DUN: Too many uses of the negation operator (!) in a method |
Medium | G N E | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.GNE | GNE: Control number of exceptions in a clause |
Medium | I A D | OPT.JAVA.FMETODOS.IAD | IAD: Declare arrays with [] braces after the array type and before the variable name(s) |
Medium | Avoid Call Start Constructors | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidCallStartConstructors | AvoidCallStartConstructors: Do not call the start() method from within the constructors of the subclass of the thread |
Medium | Avoid This In Sincronized Sentences | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidThisInSincronizedSentences | AvoidThisInSincronizedSentences: Avoid using this in synchronised blocks |
Medium | Avoid Wait Outside Brackets | OPT.JAVA.HEB.AvoidWaitOutsideBrackets | AvoidWaitOutsideBrackets: Avoid using wait() method of the class java.lang.Object outside a while loop |
Medium | D V B C | OPT.JAVA.INICIA.DVBC | DVBC: Define class attributes at the beginning of the class |
Medium | L V | OPT.JAVA.INICIA.LV | LV: Initialize all local variables at the declaration statement |
Medium | U S N | OPT.JAVA.INICIA.USN | USN: Avoid literals in method calls. Named constants (static final class variables) make source code easier to understand and maintain |
Medium | Avoid Check Permission | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidCheckPermission | AvoidCheckPermission: Avoid calling |
Medium | Avoid Class Loader Instance | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidClassLoaderInstance | AvoidClassLoaderInstance: Avoid instantiating java.lang.ClassLoader |
Medium | Avoid Do As | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidDoAs | AvoidDoAs: Avoid calling |
Medium | Avoid Do As Privileged | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidDoAsPrivileged | AvoidDoAsPrivileged: Avoid calling |
Medium | Avoid Do Priviliged | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidDoPriviliged | AvoidDoPriviliged: Avoid calling |
Medium | Avoid Extend Permission | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidExtendPermission | AvoidExtendPermission: Avoid extending |
Medium | Avoid Get Policy | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidGetPolicy | AvoidGetPolicy: Avoid calling Policy.getPolicy() |
Medium | Avoid Get Property | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidGetProperty | AvoidGetProperty: Avoid calling |
Medium | Avoid Large Blocks | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidLargeBlocks | AvoidLargeBlocks: Avoiding a privileged block of more than 5 lines |
Medium | Avoid Permission Instance | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidPermissionInstance | AvoidPermissionInstance: Avoid creating an instance of |
Medium | Avoid Policy Instance | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidPolicyInstance | AvoidPolicyInstance: Avoid creating an instance of |
Medium | Avoid Set Policy | OPT.JAVA.J2EE.AvoidSetPolicy | AvoidSetPolicy: Avoid call to Policy.setPolicy() |
Medium | Avoid Alter Check Security Manager | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.AvoidAlterCheckSecurityManager | AvoidAlterCheckSecurityManager: Avoid overwriting methods check* in SecurityManager |
Medium | Avoid Catch Security Exception | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.AvoidCatchSecurityException | AvoidCatchSecurityException: Avoid capturing Java.lang.SecurityException |
Medium | Avoid Static Public No Final Field | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.AvoidStaticPublicNoFinalField | AvoidStaticPublicNoFinalField: Avoid non-final public static fields |
Medium | Avoid Using J A X R P C | OPT.JAVA.JAX.AvoidUsingJAXRPC | AvoidUsingJAXRPC: Avoid using JAX-RPC |
Medium | Include A P IVersion Number Into URL | OPT.JAVA.JAX.IncludeAPIVersionNumberIntoURL | IncludeAPIVersionNumberIntoURL: Include the API version number into the URL |
Medium | Use Default Value Annotation | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseDefaultValueAnnotation | UseDefaultValueAnnotation: Use the @DefaultValue annotation when processing a request |
Medium | Use Generic Entity | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseGenericEntity | UseGenericEntity: Use GenericEntity when returning a list of instances |
Medium | Use JSON Responses | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseJSONResponses | UseJSONResponses: Use JSON responses in REST applications |
Medium | Use Proper Return Types And Response Codes | OPT.JAVA.JAX.UseProperReturnTypesAndResponseCodes | UseProperReturnTypesAndResponseCodes: Include a proper response code along with an appropriate return type |
Medium | P S T | OPT.JAVA.JDBC.PST | PST: Use PreparedStatement instead of Statement to similar requests |
Medium | R R W D | OPT.JAVA.JDBC.RRWD | RRWD: Close JDBC resources when finishing using |
Medium | S E L E C T | OPT.JAVA.JDBC.SELECT | SELECT: Avoid SQL sentences with SELECT * |
Medium | Javadoc T O D O | OPT.JAVA.JDOC.JavadocTODO | JavadocTODO: Avoid TODO comments in production code |
Medium | Javadoc Throws Rule | OPT.JAVA.JDOC.JavadocThrowsRule | JavadocThrowsRule: Provide the @throws tag in Javadoc comments for public and protected methods |
Medium | Call Super Set Up From Set Up | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.CallSuperSetUpFromSetUp | CallSuperSetUpFromSetUp: Always call super.setUp() from the method setUp of the JUnit TestCase |
Medium | Call Super Tear Down From Tear Down | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.CallSuperTearDownFromTearDown | CallSuperTearDownFromTearDown: Always call super.tearDown() from the method tearDown() of the JUnit TestCase |
Medium | Invoke Suite As Static Public | OPT.JAVA.JUNIT_JAVA.InvokeSuiteAsStaticPublic | InvokeSuiteAsStaticPublic: Always declare Junit.framework.TestCase.suite() as a public static method |
Medium | I A C B | OPT.JAVA.LOOP.IACB | IACB: Use System.arraycopy() instead of using a loop to copy arrays |
Medium | L I N T | OPT.JAVA.LOOP.LINT | LINT: Use integer index variable in loops |
Medium | Avoid Call Run From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.MAN.AvoidCallRunFromServlet | AvoidCallRunFromServlet: Avoid calling from any servlet |
Medium | Avoid Confused Multiplication | OPT.JAVA.MAT.AvoidConfusedMultiplication | AvoidConfusedMultiplication: Avoid Confusing Multiplications |
Medium | Avoid Modulus One | OPT.JAVA.MAT.AvoidModulusOne | AvoidModulusOne: Avoid modulus value that equal to one |
Medium | Avoid Static Call Math | OPT.JAVA.MAT.AvoidStaticCallMath | AvoidStaticCallMath: Avoid invoking a static method of java.lang.Math invoke on a constant |
Medium | Check Variable Odd Value | OPT.JAVA.MAT.CheckVariableOddValue | CheckVariableOddValue: Avoid using var% 2 [] {} |
Medium | Avoid Number Instance With New | OPT.JAVA.MEM.AvoidNumberInstanceWithNew | AvoidNumberInstanceWithNew: Avoid creating an instance of a number using new |
Medium | Avoid Run Finalization | OPT.JAVA.MEM.AvoidRunFinalization | AvoidRunFinalization: Avoid call to java.lang.Runtime.runFinalization() |
Medium | Avoid Return Null Enumeration | OPT.JAVA.NULL.AvoidReturnNullEnumeration | AvoidReturnNullEnumeration: Return empty enumerations instead of returning null |
Medium | Avoid Return Null Iterator | OPT.JAVA.NULL.AvoidReturnNullIterator | AvoidReturnNullIterator: Return an empty iterator instead of null |
Medium | Null Dereference | OPT.JAVA.NullDereference | NullDereference: NULL Pointer Dereference |
Medium | D N C S S | OPT.JAVA.PB.DNCSS | DNCSS: Do not call setSize() in ComponentListener.componentResized() |
Medium | Empty pages | OPT.JAVA.PB.ISEM | ISEM: Avoid calling varString.equals('literal') or varString.equalsIgnoreCase('literal') |
Medium | J U I N | OPT.JAVA.PB.JUIN | JUIN: Avoid incrementers with error |
Medium | M ASP | OPT.JAVA.PB.MASP | MASP: Assign protected accessibility to readResolve () and writeReplace () methods in serializable classes |
Medium | MVC | OPT.JAVA.PB.MVC | MVC: Avoid local variables with the same name as variables of the enclosing class |
Medium | Num Max Class By Package | OPT.JAVA.PB.NumMaxClassByPackage | NumMaxClassByPackage: Avoid an excessive number of classes per package/namespace |
Medium | R F F B | OPT.JAVA.PB.RFFB | RFFB: Return from finally blocks |
Medium | U E I | OPT.JAVA.PB.UEI | UEI: Use equals() when comparing Objects |
Medium | U O M E | OPT.JAVA.PB.UOME | UOME: Do not make useless method overwriten |
Medium | Avoid Dump Stack | OPT.JAVA.PERF.AvoidDumpStack | AvoidDumpStack: Avoid using Thread.dumpStack() in production code |
Medium | Avoid System | OPT.JAVA.PERF.AvoidSystem | AvoidSystem: Avoid using System.out or System.err in production code |
Medium | Avoid Call Connection From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallConnectionFromServlet | AvoidCallConnectionFromServlet: Avoid calling java.sql.Connection from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Medium | Avoid Call Net From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallNetFromServlet | AvoidCallNetFromServlet: Avoid calling .* from finalize() method of a servlet |
Medium | Avoid Call Omg From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallOmgFromServlet | AvoidCallOmgFromServlet: Avoid calling org.omg .* from finalize() method of a servlet |
Medium | Avoid Call Result Set From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallResultSetFromServlet | AvoidCallResultSetFromServlet: Avoid calling java.sql.ResultSet from the finalize() method of a servlet |
Medium | Avoid Call Statement From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RECBAS.AvoidCallStatementFromServlet | AvoidCallStatementFromServlet: Avoid calling java.sql.Statement from the method finalize() of a servlet |
Medium | Avoid Date Matrix | OPT.JAVA.RECBASJ2SE.AvoidDateMatrix | AvoidDateMatrix: Avoid using a matrix of type Date |
Medium | Avoid Call Jar From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallJarFromServlet | AvoidCallJarFromServlet: Avoid calling Java.util.jar .* from any servlet |
Medium | Avoid Call Rmi From Servlet | OPT.JAVA.RENDESC.AvoidCallRmiFromServlet | AvoidCallRmiFromServlet: Avoid calling Java.rmi.* from any servlet |
Medium | A D GC | OPT.JAVA.RGM.ADGC | ADGC: Avoid using java.util.Date or java.util.GregorianCalendar |
Medium | A F P | OPT.JAVA.RGM.AFP | AFP: Avoid modifications on method or constructor parameters |
Medium | A R N | OPT.JAVA.RGM.ARN | ARN: Return zero-length arrays instead of null |
Medium | B L K D O W H L | OPT.JAVA.RGM.BLKDOWHL | BLKDOWHL: Use a braches block for 'do-while' statements |
Medium | B L K F O R | OPT.JAVA.RGM.BLKFOR | BLKFOR: Use a braces block for 'for' statements |
Medium | B L K W H L | OPT.JAVA.RGM.BLKWHL | BLKWHL: Provide a braches block for 'while' statements |
Medium | C L N C | OPT.JAVA.RGM.CLNC | CLNC: Avoid using constructors in the clone() method |
Medium | Make your clone() method final for security | OPT.JAVA.RGM.CLONE | CLONE: Call super.clone() in all clone() methods |
Medium | D U I D | OPT.JAVA.RGM.DUID | DUID: Create a serialVersionUID for all Serializable classes |
Medium | Dont Use Assert | OPT.JAVA.RGM.DontUseAssert | DontUseAssert: Do not use assert and do not launch AssertionError |
Medium | F F | OPT.JAVA.RGM.FF | FF: Declare constant fields private and final |
Medium | F L V | OPT.JAVA.RGM.FLV | FLV: Declare constant local variables as final |
Medium | H M F | OPT.JAVA.RGM.HMF | HMF: Avoid giving method local variables and parameters the same name as class fields |
Medium | P C I F | OPT.JAVA.RGM.PCIF | PCIF: Declare for loops with a condition and an increment statement |
Medium | P C I F2 | OPT.JAVA.RGM.PCIF2 | PCIF2: Use only one condition statement in for blocks |
Medium | P C I F3 | OPT.JAVA.RGM.PCIF3 | PCIF3: Use 'for' loops with explicit condition and increment/decrement statements |
Medium | P C T O R | OPT.JAVA.RGM.PCTOR | PCTOR: Do not declare public constructors in non-public classes |
Medium | P S F A | OPT.JAVA.RGM.PSFA | PSFA: Avoid using public static final array fields |
Medium | U S T | OPT.JAVA.RGM.UST | UST: Use StringTokenizer instead of indexOf() or substring() for String parsing |
Medium | C IP A | OPT.JAVA.RGME.CIPA | CIPA: Avoid large array initializations from constant arrays |
Medium | O O M E | OPT.JAVA.RGME.OOME | OOME: Capture OutOfMemoryError for large arrays initializations |
Medium | U N C | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.UNC | UNC: Do not cast a variable to an interface implemented by that variable or to the base class that extends it |
Medium | Use Service Locator Pattern | OPT.JAVA.RGOR.UseServiceLocatorPattern | UseServiceLocatorPattern: Apply the 'Service Locator' pattern |
Medium | Avoid Packages | OPT.JAVA.RGP.AvoidPackages | AvoidPackages: Do not import the specified packages |
Medium | L N S P | OPT.JAVA.RGP.LNSP | LNSP: Do not hard code character for line separator |
Medium | No Absolute Paths | OPT.JAVA.RGP.NoAbsolutePaths | NoAbsolutePaths: Do not use absolute paths |
Medium | Make your clone() method final for security | OPT.JAVA.RGS.CLONE | CLONE: Make your clone() method final for security |
Medium | Do not compare class objects with getName() or getSimpleName() methods | OPT.JAVA.RGS.CMP | CMP: Do not compare class objects with getName() or getSimpleName() methods |
Medium | Define inner classes as private | OPT.JAVA.RGS.INNER | INNER: Define inner classes as private |
Medium | Inner classes should be protected or private | OPT.JAVA.RGS.PKG | PKG: Inner classes should be 'protected' or 'private' |
Medium | Avoid EJB AWT Swing | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBAWTSwing | AvoidEJBAWTSwing: EJB Bad Practices: Use of AWT Swing |
Medium | Avoid EJB JVM Shutdown | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBJVMShutdown | AvoidEJBJVMShutdown: J2EE Bad Practices: Use of System.exit() |
Medium | Avoid EJB Java Io | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBJavaIo | AvoidEJBJavaIo: EJB Bad Practices: Use of Java I/O |
Medium | Avoid EJB Redirect Streams | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBRedirectStreams | AvoidEJBRedirectStreams: Avoid changing the input, output, and error streams in EJB |
Medium | Avoid EJB Set Class Loader | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBSetClassLoader | AvoidEJBSetClassLoader: Avoid setting context ClassLoader in EJB |
Medium | Avoid EJB Set Security Manager | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBSetSecurityManager | AvoidEJBSetSecurityManager: Avoid setting system SecurityManager in EJB |
Medium | Avoid EJB Synchronization Primitives | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidEJBSynchronizationPrimitives | AvoidEJBSynchronizationPrimitives: Avoid use of synchronization primitives in EJB |
Medium | Avoid J2EE Direct Database Connection | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidJ2EEDirectDatabaseConnection | AvoidJ2EEDirectDatabaseConnection: J2EE Bad Practices: Direct Management of Connections |
Medium | Avoid J2EE Explicit Socket | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidJ2EEExplicitSocket | AvoidJ2EEExplicitSocket: J2EE Bad Practices: Direct Use of Sockets |
Medium | Avoid J2EE Explicit Thread Management | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidJ2EEExplicitThreadManagement | AvoidJ2EEExplicitThreadManagement: J2EE Bad Practices: Direct Use of Threads |
Medium | Avoid J2EE Leftover Debug Code | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidJ2EELeftoverDebugCode | AvoidJ2EELeftoverDebugCode: Leftover Debug Code in J2EE applications |
Medium | Avoid J2EE Non Serializable Objects Stored | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidJ2EENonSerializableObjectsStored | AvoidJ2EENonSerializableObjectsStored: Avoid non-serializable objects stored in session in J2EE applications |
Medium | Avoid Native Calls Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.AvoidNativeCallsRule | AvoidNativeCallsRule: Avoid calls from Java to native (JNI) code |
Medium | Detail Error Leak Rule | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.DetailErrorLeakRule | DetailErrorLeakRule: Do not send detail error information to client |
Medium | Execution After Redirect | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.ExecutionAfterRedirect | ExecutionAfterRedirect: Execution After Redirect (EAR) |
Medium | Potential Infinite Loop | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PotentialInfiniteLoop | PotentialInfiniteLoop: Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop') |
Medium | Unchecked Input In Loop Condition | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.UncheckedInputInLoopCondition | UncheckedInputInLoopCondition: Unchecked input in loop condition |
Medium | Avoid Assign Repeated Value | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidAssignRepeatedValue | AvoidAssignRepeatedValue: Avoid assigning a value to a variable that has already been assigned |
Medium | Avoid Call Get Resource Rule | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidCallGetResourceRule | AvoidCallGetResourceRule: Avoid calling this.getClass.getResource |
Medium | Avoid Compare Float Point | OPT.JAVA.SENT.AvoidCompareFloatPoint | AvoidCompareFloatPoint: Avoid comparing floating point with Code Quality[]{} |
Medium | Implement Externalizable | OPT.JAVA.SERI.ImplementExternalizable | ImplementExternalizable: Every class that implements Externalizable must have a constructor with no parameters |
Medium | Private Read Write Objects | OPT.JAVA.SERI.PrivateReadWriteObjects | PrivateReadWriteObjects: Declare optional readObject and writeObject as private in externalizable / serializable classes |
Medium | Avoid Implement Single Thread Model | OPT.JAVA.SERV.AvoidImplementSingleThreadModel | AvoidImplementSingleThreadModel: Avoid implementing the interface javax.servlet.SingleThreadModel in a servlet |
Medium | Avoid Large Syncronised Blocks | OPT.JAVA.SERV.AvoidLargeSyncronisedBlocks | AvoidLargeSyncronisedBlocks: Avoid synchronized blocks with more than 6 statements |
Medium | Avoid Constructor Injection By Name | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidConstructorInjectionByName | AvoidConstructorInjectionByName: Avoid constructor injection by name |
Medium | Avoid Hardcoding Properties Into XML | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidHardcodingPropertiesIntoXML | AvoidHardcodingPropertiesIntoXML: Avoid hardcoding properties into XML descriptors, externalize them instead |
Medium | Avoid Loading Multiple XML Configuration Files | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidLoadingMultipleXMLConfigurationFiles | AvoidLoadingMultipleXMLConfigurationFiles: Avoid loading multiple XML configuration files |
Medium | Avoid Too Deep Hierarchy In Jobs | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidTooDeepHierarchyInJobs | AvoidTooDeepHierarchyInJobs: Avoid too deep jobs hierarchy |
Medium | Avoid Too Deep Hierarchy In Steps | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidTooDeepHierarchyInSteps | AvoidTooDeepHierarchyInSteps: Avoid too deep steps hierarchy |
Medium | Avoid Using Version Numbers Within Spring Schema Names | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.AvoidUsingVersionNumbersWithinSpringSchemaNames | AvoidUsingVersionNumbersWithinSpringSchemaNames: Avoid using version numbers in Spring schema names |
Medium | Disable XML Validation In Production | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.DisableXMLValidationInProduction | DisableXMLValidationInProduction: Disable XML validation in production |
Medium | Enforces JSON Responses | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.EnforcesJSONResponses | EnforcesJSONResponses: Use JSON responses in REST applications |
Medium | Prefer Repository Rest Resource Annotation | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.PreferRepositoryRestResourceAnnotation | PreferRepositoryRestResourceAnnotation: Use RepositoryRestResource annotation instead of RestResource |
Medium | Setup Commit Interval For Chunk Processing | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.SetupCommitIntervalForChunkProcessing | SetupCommitIntervalForChunkProcessing: Set up a proper commit interval for chunk processing |
Medium | Use Annotations To Create Controllers | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseAnnotationsToCreateControllers | UseAnnotationsToCreateControllers: Create controllers just using annotations |
Medium | Use Java Based Configuration Instead XML Config | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseJavaBasedConfigurationInsteadXMLConfig | UseJavaBasedConfigurationInsteadXMLConfig: Use Java based configuration instead of XML based configuration |
Medium | Use Lazy Initialized Singleton Beans | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseLazyInitializedSingletonBeans | UseLazyInitializedSingletonBeans: Use lazy initialized singleton beans |
Medium | Use Thread Safe Multi Threading Steps | OPT.JAVA.SPRING.UseThreadSafeMultiThreadingSteps | UseThreadSafeMultiThreadingSteps: Use thread safe multi threading steps |
Medium | A D L R | OPT.JAVA.STR.ADLR | ADLR: Avoid duplicate literals |
Medium | Avoid String Concat | OPT.JAVA.STR.AvoidStringConcat | AvoidStringConcat: Avoid String concatenation using + or + {} |
Medium | L S T R | OPT.JAVA.STR.LSTR | LSTR: Do not concatenate single character strings in a loop |
Medium | N T U L C | OPT.JAVA.STR.NTULC | NTULC: Never use either toUpperCase.equals or toLowerCase.equals |
Medium | S B | OPT.JAVA.STR.SB | SB: Instantiate StringBuffer/StringBuilder with explicit initial size |
Medium | U C T M | OPT.JAVA.STR.UCTM | UCTM: Avoid unnecessary temporal conversion |
Medium | U S B | OPT.JAVA.STR.USB | USB: Avoid using the concatenation operator of strings + {} |
Medium | F I E L D S | OPT.JAVA.STRUTS.FIELDS | FIELDS: Provide a getter and a setter for each field in a form Bean that extends ActionForm |
Medium | F O R M | OPT.JAVA.STRUTS.FORM | FORM: Use only getters and setters in form beans |
Medium | I N S T | OPT.JAVA.STRUTS.INST | INST: Avoid instance variables in an Action class |
Medium | Case With Return | OPT.JAVA.SWITCH.CaseWithReturn | CaseWithReturn: Every CASE statement should end with a break statement |
Medium | Avoid Map Set In URL | OPT.JAVA.VELOC.AvoidMapSetInURL | AvoidMapSetInURL: Avoid Map and Set methods of objects |
Medium | Avoid String Equals | OPT.JAVA.VELOC.AvoidStringEquals | AvoidStringEquals: Do not check the length of a series by invoking the String.equals('') |
Medium | Avoid URL Methods | OPT.JAVA.VELOC.AvoidURLMethods | AvoidURLMethods: Avoid using the equals() and hashCode() in |
Medium | Transient For System Resources | OPT.JAVA.J2SE.TransientForSystemResources | TransientForSystemResources: Mark as transient the fields with system resources |
Medium | Check HTTP Methods | OPT.JAVA.JAX.CheckHTTPMethods | CheckHTTPMethods: Check the HTTP method used to send the request |
Medium | Avoid Total Memory Debug | OPT.JAVA.PERF.AvoidTotalMemoryDebug | AvoidTotalMemoryDebug: Avoid debugging with Runtime.totalMemory() |
Medium | Avoid Trace Method Calls Debug | OPT.JAVA.PERF.AvoidTraceMethodCallsDebug | AvoidTraceMethodCallsDebug: Avoid debugging with Runtime.traceMethodCalls () |
Medium | Hardcoded Username Password | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.HardcodedUsernamePassword | HardcodedUsernamePassword: Use of Hard-coded Credentials |
Medium | Password In Configuration File | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PasswordInConfigurationFile | PasswordInConfigurationFile: Use of credentials into configuration file |
Medium | Plaintext Storage Of Password | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PlaintextStorageOfPassword | PlaintextStorageOfPassword: Plaintext Storage of a Password |
Medium | Serializable Class Containing Sensitive Data | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.SerializableClassContainingSensitiveData | SerializableClassContainingSensitiveData: Serializable Class Containing Sensitive Data |
Medium | Weak Password Hashing | OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.WeakPasswordHashing | WeakPasswordHashing: Weak Password Hashing |