ActionScript Scan rules
Contrast Scan supports these rules for ActionScript.
Severity | Contrast rule | Engine rule ID | Description |
Critical | Avoid Declaring Vars Without Var | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.EST_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidDeclaringVarsWithoutVar | AvoidDeclaringVarsWithoutVar: Avoid declaring vars without reserve word VAR before |
Critical | End Sentences With Semicolon | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.EST_ACTIONSCRIPT.EndSentencesWithSemicolon | EndSentencesWithSemicolon: Avoid sentences without semicolon at the end |
Critical | Avoid Loop With Empty Body | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidLoopWithEmptyBody | AvoidLoopWithEmptyBody: Avoid empty loops |
Critical | Comp Life Cycle | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.CompLifeCycle | CompLifeCycle: Avoid overriding certain methods |
Critical | No Keywords As Identifiers | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.NOM_ACTIONSCRIPT.NoKeywordsAsIdentifiers | NoKeywordsAsIdentifiers: Do not use keywords as identifiers |
Critical | Avoid Declaring Inside Loops | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidDeclaringInsideLoops | AvoidDeclaringInsideLoops: Avoid declaring variables inside loops |
Critical | Avoid Large Classes | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidLargeClasses | AvoidLargeClasses: Avoid large classes |
Critical | Avoid Large Constructors | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidLargeConstructors | AvoidLargeConstructors: Avoid large constructors |
Critical | Avoid Large Functions | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidLargeFunctions | AvoidLargeFunctions: Avoid large functions |
Critical | Avoid Many Conditionals | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidManyConditionals | AvoidManyConditionals: Avoid many conditional sentences in the code |
Critical | Avoid Mutiple Return | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidMutipleReturn | AvoidMutipleReturn: Avoid multiple RETURN statements inside a function |
Critical | Avoid Nested Loops | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidNestedLoops | AvoidNestedLoops: Avoid using nested loops |
Critical | Declaring Array | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.DeclaringArray | DeclaringArray: Declaring Arrays using new array instead of [] |
Critical | No Use Set Style | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.NoUseSetStyle | NoUseSetStyle: Avoid 'setStyle()' method |
Critical | Too Many Parameters In Function | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.TooManyParametersInFunction | TooManyParametersInFunction: Too many parameters in a function |
Critical | Type Everything | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.TypeEverything | TypeEverything: Every var, function, parameter and constant must be declared along with a type |
High | Use Space Betwen Operators | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.EST_ACTIONSCRIPT.UseSpaceBetwenOperators | UseSpaceBetwenOperators: Put a single space around operators |
High | Avoid Assignamentin Condition | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidAssignamentinCondition | AvoidAssignamentinCondition: Avoid a assignment operation in condition statements |
High | Avoid Empty Functions | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidEmptyFunctions | AvoidEmptyFunctions: Avoid declaring empty functions |
High | Avoid For With External Control Vars | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidForWithExternalControlVars | AvoidForWithExternalControlVars: Avoid using external variables to loop control in FOR statements |
High | Avoid Unary Ops In Assign | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidUnaryOpsInAssign | AvoidUnaryOpsInAssign: Avoid ternary operator in assignment statements (? : ) |
High | Avoid Unused Function | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidUnusedFunction | AvoidUnusedFunction: Avoid having declared unused functions |
High | Avoid Unused Function Parameter | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidUnusedFunctionParameter | AvoidUnusedFunctionParameter: Detect function parameter not used |
High | Avoid Unused Local Var | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidUnusedLocalVar | AvoidUnusedLocalVar: Detect local vars unused |
High | If With Out Block | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.IfWithOutBlock | IfWithOutBlock: Avoid using IF statements with empty body |
High | No Update Loop In For Body | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.NoUpdateLoopInForBody | NoUpdateLoopInForBody: Avoid to update control var inside FOR loop body |
High | Unused Constant | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.UnusedConstant | UnusedConstant: Avoid unused private constant declarations |
High | Avoid Numbers As Control Var | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidNumbersAsControlVar | AvoidNumbersAsControlVar: Avoid declaring control variables as Numbers |
High | Avoid Popup Windows | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidPopupWindows | AvoidPopupWindows: Use javascript to open pop-up windows |
Info | Document Every Function | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.DOC_ACTIONSCRIPT.DocumentEveryFunction | DocumentEveryFunction: Provide comments for functions |
Low | Code Document Percentage | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.DOC_ACTIONSCRIPT.CodeDocumentPercentage | CodeDocumentPercentage: Avoid files with a very low comment/code ratio |
Low | Avoid Switch Many Cases | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.GEN_ACTIONSCRIPT.AvoidSwitchManyCases | AvoidSwitchManyCases: Avoid too many CASE clauses in SWITCH statement |
Medium | Class Naming Pattern | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.NOM_ACTIONSCRIPT.ClassNamingPattern | ClassNamingPattern: Class names must comply with the convention |
Medium | Constant Naming Pattern | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.NOM_ACTIONSCRIPT.ConstantNamingPattern | ConstantNamingPattern: Constant names must comply with the convention |
Medium | Function Naming Pattern | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.NOM_ACTIONSCRIPT.FunctionNamingPattern | FunctionNamingPattern: Function names must comply with the convention |
Medium | Interface Naming Pattern | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.NOM_ACTIONSCRIPT.InterfaceNamingPattern | InterfaceNamingPattern: Interface names must comply with the convention |
Medium | Package Naming Pattern | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.NOM_ACTIONSCRIPT.PackageNamingPattern | PackageNamingPattern: Package names must comply with the convention |
Medium | Variable Naming Pattern | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.NOM_ACTIONSCRIPT.VariableNamingPattern | VariableNamingPattern: Variable names must follow the conventions |
Medium | Misuse Dynamic Filter | OPT.ACTIONSCRIPT.PER_ACTIONSCRIPT.MisuseDynamicFilter | MisuseDynamicFilter: Avoid declaring unused filters |